Newly posted internships and jobs on Handshake:

  • Match Teacher Residency 20-21 (STEM Priority) at Match Education. Want to be a game-changing rookie teacher in a high-performing urban public school? We think teaching is the hardest and most important job in the world – a job that demands highly focused and intensive preparation. Start your teaching career off right by becoming a Match Teacher Resident and graduate student in the Charles Sposato Graduate School of Education. We’re actively seeking our next cohort of aspiring middle and high school teachers.
  • Summer Online SAT Class Tutor at Legal Outreach, Inc. Legal Outreach is searching for ten talented, knowledgeable SAT tutors who want to be part of a transformative experience that changes the educational trajectory of students from underserved populations. In past years, our Summer SAT course has helped participants improve their scores by an average of 150 points with some students scoring over 300 points higher on their final diagnostic exam. Results like that can make all the difference in the world when applying to college. 
  • Founding Development Associate at Alexander Twilight Academy (ATA). They are a 5th-8th grade tuition-free, independent school serving students from under-resourced backgrounds in Boston. Named after the first Black American to graduate from college in the United States, Alexander Twilight Academy provides students with the highest quality educational and life-enriching opportunities, regardless of family income or circumstance. We are looking for a founding Development Associate to launch a new, innovative, mission-driven school in the fall of 2020. As we prepare to open our doors next fall, the founding Development Associate will be instrumental in constructing the financial foundation of Alexander Twilight Academy. 
  • Lots more on Handshake!!