Ask your recommenders for letters of recommendation early on and stay on top of them. 

A large component of many summer internship applications require multiple letters of recommendation from faculty, advisors, supervisors, etc. These can be just as important as the actual application in that it adds to the story of you as an applicant and also must conform to deadlines. Some internships accept students on a rolling basis, meaning that applications, including letters of recommendation, are reviewed as soon as an application is received so earlier applicants have higher chances of being selected while a late or missing letter of rec can hinder one’s application from being reviewed in a timely fashion.

To best ensure that your letter is completed by your recommender on time is to ask early! It’s helpful to meet with or email them to explain your interest in the different internships and what you would like for them to focus on in their letters. This helps to keep them involved in your application process and ensure that not all of your recommenders repeat the same things about you. It’s important to remember that everyone is busy, especially faculty and staff, so making sure that you’re giving them enough time to write a good letter and submit it by the deadline will only make everything go smoother. Don’t be afraid to send them a reminder email or meet with them before the letter is due to make sure that it hasn’t slipped off their radar and that the letter gets in on time!

Need help with your résumé and/or cover letter? CCI is available to help you virtually! Email your résumé to and one of our Advisors will get back to you. If you’d rather discuss it in “real time” – schedule a video chat or phone appointment with one of the Advisors in Handshake.