The Center for Healthcare Quality and Analytics (CHQA) Summer Internship at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) is designed to introduce, develop, and improve the skills of an undergraduate student interested in public health, patient safety, performance/process improvement, or healthcare administration. This internship will provide the intern with a practical experience around the effective delivery of quality healthcare services. This abbreviated, high paced internship will focus on participation in various projects across the CHQA and exposure to the work of many teams and offices across the enterprise. Interns may also have the opportunity to meet with senior hospital leaders.

The 10-12 week summer internship is a program planned and directed by members of the CHQA. This internship program partners with various departments across the enterprise to provide exposure to a wide variety of clinical and business operations. The primary learning modes will be observation and participation in project-based work. Project opportunities will vary and will reflect both the participant’s interests and the needs of the Hospital. Interns are prohibited from advising on or participating in the delivery of medical care. Additionally, interns are required to maintain the confidentiality of patient information at all times.

Interns will be exposed to projects focused in a variety of business and operational areas across the organization and may involve domains such as patient safety, operations, process improvement, quality, and strategy in collaboration with their assigned preceptor. Interns are required to give a presentation on their project work to departmental and/or senior leadership at the end of the internship.

Beginning in early June and ending in August, interns are expected to work 20 to 30 hours a week, and will create a schedule with their preceptor(s) during their first day. Interns will collaborate with their assigned preceptor(s) and are responsible for keeping their project work on track to meet specific deadlines throughout the summer.

Learn more in Handshake. Application deadline 2/28.