On Thursday, October 11, 2018 from about 7:30 am to noon Middlebury Regional EMS (MREMS) will be participating in an emergency preparedness and response exercise for University of Vermont Health Network-Porter Medical Center (UVMHN-PMC) and community response partners.

The vision for this exercise will be to test and validate the policies, plans, and procedures for managing an influx of patients to the Porter Medical Center Emergency Department (ED) based on some type of mass casualty event.  One option under consideration would be a simultaneous ‘disaster event’ at Helen Porter that generates the ED influx.

PMC is looking for a few mock patients to help make this more realistic and be moulaged and transported as part of this drill. Please wear old clothes that can get dirty or stained. 

If you are interested in helping out as a patient please contact Mike Leyden at PMC by September 29th:  mleyden@portermedical.org