Monday, February 19 from 4:30 – 5:30 pm at ADK Library

Do you have an interest in the issues of educational and technology access; teaching and project-based learning; some proficiency in Spanish language?

Come join an information session with Team4Tech as they talk about a funded cohort summer internship for 10 Middlebury students this August 2018 living and working in a rural community in the rainforest of Chilamate, Costa Rica. In Costa Rica, Team4Tech is partnering with TabLab, a US-based non-profit organization that works to advance teaching and learning in rural schools via teacher training, mobile technology and personalized learning.

Each Middlebury intern will also participate in four to six weeks of preparation based in human-centered design principles, followed by four weeks of in-country immersive service learning that leverages their skills and passions to make a difference in education. Come ask questions and be a part of the 1st Middlebury intern cohort!

Open to First-Years, Sophomores and Juniors!

Check out the fully-funded summer internship which includes meals and lodging at the incredible Chilamate Rainforest Eco-Retreat (, and in-country transportation. Transportation to and from Costa Rica, is not included. Students will be responsible for round-trip travel costs associated with getting to Costa Rica. Students who require financial aid may apply for funding to offset travel expenses. Priority consideration will be given to student applicants on financial aid.

Interested? Learn more in Handshake.