Join Abbie Spector ’17 to learn more about Venture for America! Abbie will provide additional information about the fellowship, the application process, and start-up life.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
CCI Adirondack House Library
4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Venture for America is a two-year fellowship program for recent college graduates interested in entrepreneurship and working in a fast-paced, innovative startup environment. VFA Fellows interview with vetted company partners across 18 U.S. cities with emerging startup ecosystems. After securing the right full-time, salaried job, Fellows train for five weeks with world-class business leaders and entrepreneurs to build the skills they’ll need to succeed in a startup environment and as founders. Throughout the fellowship, they learn how to contribute to a high-growth business and gain access to mentorship, ongoing training, and the nationwide VFA community. When Fellows and alumni are ready to build companies of their own, whenever that may be, VFA provides the resources they need to become entrepreneurs. Our goal is to help the next generation become leaders capable of launching their own companies, creating opportunities for themselves and others, and adding value to their local communities.