Christian Keathley and Jason Mittell (both Film and Media Culture) have received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities through the NEH Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities program for a project titled Scholarship in Sound and Image. The grant will support a pair of two week workshops to be held at Middlebury in June 2017 and June 2018, and these workshops will build on the successful experience of their NEH-funded workshop held at Middlebury in 2015. The curriculum for these workshops is based on that 2015 workshop as well as on a course that has been successfully taught four times at Middlebury College. Each workshop will include participants whose objects of study involve audio-visual media, especially film, radio, television, and other new digital media forms. The two iterations of the workshop will subdivide the participants, inviting Ph.D. students in 2017 and faculty or postdocs in 2018.