happy-retirement-party-clip-art-gPg4ev-clipartIndividuals who end employment after having worked for Middlebury in a benefits-eligible status for a minimum of ten years past the age of forty-five qualify as “Middlebury Retirees”. Going forward this Retirement Transition feature will provide retirement information on an as-we-go basis, but in the meantime, the official retiree list year-to-date is as follows: 

Name   Type Retirement Date Department
Carolyn LaRose Staff 01/04/16 Athletics
Linda Langeway Staff 01/04/16 Facilities Services
Charles Torrey Staff 01/04/16 Dining Services
Connie Fox Staff 01/04/16 Facilities Services
Joanne Jarvis Staff 01/06/16 Facilities Services
Sandra Legault Staff 02/26/16 President’s Office
Deborah Hotte Staff 02/29/16 Dining Services
Steven Goodman Staff 04/01/16 Printing & Mailing Services
Sylvia Manning Staff 04/06/16 Facilities Services
Raymond Gale Staff 05/06/16 Facilities Services
Jim Dayton Staff 05/09/16 Golf Course
Megan Battey Staff 06/10/16 History of Art & Architecture
Susan Walker Staff 06/14/16 Careers and Internships
Barbara Marlow Staff 06/15/16 Admissions
Aline Germain-Rutherford Faculty 06/30/16 Linguistics
Raymond Coish Faculty 06/30/16 Geology
Michael Geisler Faculty 06/30/16 VP for Risk & Compliance
Julia Alvarez Faculty 06/30/16 English & American Literatures
Kathleen Jewett Faculty 06/30/16 Chemistry & Biochemistry
John Emerson Faculty 06/30/16 Mathematics
John McWilliams Faculty 06/30/16 Humanities
Ron Liebowitz Faculty 06/30/16 President
Bob Smith Staff 07/08/16 Athletics
John LeCompte Staff 08/08/16 Dining Services
Susan Murphy Staff 08/13/16 Parton Center for Health and Wellness