Representatives from Cigna will be visiting both the Middlebury and Monterey campuses several times through the fall months. The visits will fall into two categories:  one-on-one meetings with employees and open meetings.  The initial visits days are reserved for private, one-one-one meetings between employees and a Cigna representative and are intended for those employees who have specific questions or concerns, such as: the need to pre-schedule a surgery early in January, an on-going serious health condition, concerns about whether a particular provider is in-network, worries about transferring mail-order prescriptions, and so forth.

Cigna On-Site One-on-One Meeting Schedule
Middlebury MIIS
9/15 afternoon 9/28 afternoon
9/21 midday 9/29 morning
10/4 morning 10/4 morning
10/12 midday 10/12 midday
10/20 afternoon 10/20 afternoon
10/4 morning 10/4 morning
10/26 morning 10/26 morning
12/14 TBD 12/14 TBD
1/11/17 TBD 1/11/17 TBD


If you have specific concerns or questions and would like to meet individually with a Cigna representative please click on a link below to schedule an appointment.

Middlebury Vermont Campus:

Monterey California Campus:

During November Cigna will hold a series of open meetings (on each campus) in which they will present information about: how to access services, network coverage, switching mail order prescriptions, technology offerings, etc. There will also be ample time for questions from the audience. Open meetings will be offered at various times on November 1st, 3rd, 8th, and 10th; specific meeting times and room locations will be announced as we get closer to November.