Cigna Transitions

Over the coming months MiddPoints will be publishing a number of articles related to the transition from CBABlue to Cigna for medical plan administration. First in our series is the FAQ articles, below.  If you are a medical plan participant we strongly encourage you to follow the series – together we can ensure that the switch from CBA Blue to Cigna goes as smoothly as possible.

—Cheryl Mullins

Human Resources



Transition FAQs

When it comes to staying well – physically, financially, emotionally – we’re with you all the way.


Welcome to the Cigna Family! On behalf of Cigna, we want to thank you for the opportunity to serve you and your healthcare needs.  We know there can be some uncertainty when switching health plan administrators so we’ll be spending the next several months communicating and educating you on everything you need to be aware of prior to the new benefits taking effect January 1st, 2017.


We want to connect with you! Cigna will be onsite in Middlebury and Monterey numerous times over the coming months (please see the following MiddPoints article for specific dates and times) and we look forward to meeting you and answering any specific questions you may have.


Who is Cigna?

We are a global health service company dedicated to helping people improve their health, well-being and sense of security. We trace our roots back more than 200 years, but we became the company you know today in 1982 with the merger of INA Corporation and Connecticut General Corporation. Ever since, we’ve continued to innovate and expand around the world. We have sales capability in 30 countries and jurisdictions, and more than 90 million customer relationships throughout the world. Our more than 39,000 employees serve customers just about everywhere.


Every day, our team works together with our customers (you!) in ways they find proactive, personal and empathetic. That spirit of true partnership goes deeper than paying claims, and is often life-changing — helping customers stay well, prevent sickness, obtain access to health care, recover from illness or injury, return to work and provide for their families. Worldwide, we offer our customers and their families peace of mind and a sense of security. We’re with them all the way, through the most critical points in their lives.


When will we be making the switch?

Cigna will start administering Middlebury’s health plan effect January 1st, 2017.


What action do I need to take now?

No action needed…yet. Please continue to keep your eyes on our benefits newsletter for Cigna education materials.  Things like network information, prescription formulary, mail order pharmacy and mobile app demonstrations will be coming soon.


How do I know if my provider is in-network?

In the meantime, you may be curious if your current provider is in the new, National Cigna network. For both medical and dental providers, Cigna has tools that you can use in order to verify that your provider is in the network.

  1. You can go to (pre or post 1/1/17) and click on “Find a doctor”
    • Then select, “For plans offered through work or school”
    • Enter your provider’s location
    • Select the medical plan by clicking “Pick” then, PPO, “PPO, Choice Fund PPO”
    • Enter the name of your provider into the “looking for” search box
    • Click search. If your provider comes up, he/she is in the network!


  1. You can log on to (post 1/1/17)
    • Click on Find a Doctor/Dentist
    • Enter in your providers name and location
    • If your provider comes up, he/she is in the network!


What do I do if my provider is not in the network?

There will be several options. First, you can nominate your provider to join the Cigna network (see “Nominate a Provider” article in MiddPoints) or by making an appointment with the Cigna representative onsite at Middlebury or Monterey and bringing your healthcare provider contact information.  Or you can continue to see your current provider using out-of-network benefits, or watch for additional information on “transition of care” later this fall.


What to do I need to do on 1/1/17?

We are known for our online consumer tools! In order to make the process easier and as seamless as possible, please logon and register on  Once you have created a user name and password, use your smartphone to download the free mobile app from your Android or IOS App Store. You can use the same login information that you created for on the mobile app.


I have a doctor’s appointment on 1/1/17, and I need my ID card. What do I do?

You will be receiving ID cards in the mail. However, if you are traveling or haven’t checked the mail in a bit, and you need it for an appointment, you can either:

  • Print off a temporary ID card on


  • Access your ID card on the Mobile App. This ID card can be scanned/used right off your smart phone!


I need a prescription refill on 1/1/17, what do I do?

You will be active in Cigna’s system for medical, dental, & pharmacy on 1/1/17. You will be able to obtain prescriptions at your retail provider as you would normally, simply access your ID card on our mobile app or print off a copy from


Should I refill my prescription with CBA Blue before 1/1/17?

Yes, our recommendation is, if you have a refill coming up, that you refill your prescription before 1/1/17. This way, you will have an ample supply of your medication on hand.