Led by Bruce Byers ’55, pickle ball is now being played three days a week in Nelson Recreation Center. It takes place at the north end of Nelson (just past the four indoor tennis courts) three days a week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3:00-5:00 p.m. when the court is reserved exclusively for pickle ball. Faculty, staff, and students interested in learning how to play will receive free lessons. If you’re already familiar with the game, bring some friends and play. There are rackets and whiffle balls available at the desk inside the entrance to the new field house that you can borrow free of charge. For more information, contact Bruce Byers ’55 at bruce@midd55.com.
Pickle Ball in Nelson
- Author By Sarah Ray
- Publication date March 11, 2016
- Categories: Midd Blogosphere
- Categories: For Faculty, For Staff, MiddPoints, Wellness