Five Wrong Lessons From the Vox’s “11 Political Lessons From Eric Cantor’s Loss”

Political punditry – the art of expressing instant commentary on political events in an authoritative manner – has never been for the faint of heart. But the task has grown both more competitive and more public with the growth of … Continue reading Continue Reading Five Wrong Lessons From the Vox’s “11 Political Lessons From Eric Cantor’s Loss”

Systems and Network maintenance this Sunday morning

During our maintenance window this Sunday morning between 6 and 10 am we have the following actives planned: We will be upgrading the Middlebury and Bread Loaf campus wireless network.  This will result in each wireless access point on both of these campuses rebooting, as a result we expect a less than 10 minute interruption […]…Continue Reading Systems and Network maintenance this Sunday morning

“At the beginning of the term” – a poem

Another poem from Gary Margolis, this one about higher education: At the beginning of the term      for students and teachers lying down I used to hand out the syllabus, its outline of books and assignments, its expected exams. Answered the first questions. How long should a short paper be? Do we have to use […]…Continue Reading “At the beginning of the term” – a poem