Carrie Reed (Chinese) has received a Translation Grant from the PEN American Center for her translation of Youyang zazu 酉陽雜俎 (Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang), a ninth-century Chinese classical language miscellany by Duan Chengshi 段成式 (c. 800–863). This project will be the focus of her leave next year, and she estimates it will take about three years to complete the full project, which consists of a popular version without many annotations and a carefully annotated version. Carrie comments, “Duan was a close observer of his world, a lover of the strange and the foreign, an amateur ethnographer, and recorder of stories and lore of all kinds. He was unprejudiced in his sources, giving equal importance to every bit of information, whether from a slave, a monk, a civil servant or an imperial relative.”