Forbes recently wrote an article on The World’s Most Beautiful College Campuses. A nice slide show is included in the article, if you can ignore the pervasive advertising in it. Take a look at the Middle Path at Kenyon College, or one of my personal favorites, the campus of Wellesly College, designed by Frederick Law Olmstead […]…Continue Reading The Most Beautiful College Campuses
Month: March 2010
I’m all for this settlement.
Massar, which calls itself a “Consultancy firm, providing investment promotion, management solutions and development services to the Palestinian private and public sectors.” based in Ramallah, has begun working on the first ever ‘Palestinian settlement‘ in the West Bank. There are roadblocks along the way (ie: the Oslo Accords), but they’re bulldozing right through them (pun […]…Continue Reading I’m all for this settlement.
National Undergraduate Diversity Mock Trial Competition – April 9-10, 2010
I am pleased to announce the Seventh Annual National Undergraduate Diversity Mock Trial Competition at The John Marshall Law School in Chicago, Illinois. The mock trial competition will bring three-member teams of sophomores to seniors from around the country to compete on Friday and Saturday, April 9th and 10th, 2010. Individual competitors are also welcome, […]…Continue Reading National Undergraduate Diversity Mock Trial Competition – April 9-10, 2010
Invitation to Diversity Day at New England Law School, Boston, Massachusetts
On March 20, 2010, New England Law School will be hosting a Diversity Day. They hope to attract students of color who would like to learn more about law school and the legal profession. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle L’Etoile, Director of Admissions, at or 617-422-7210….Continue Reading Invitation to Diversity Day at New England Law School, Boston, Massachusetts
Law School Recruiting
Below is a list of 2010 recruitment events that we are aware of at this time: March 19, 2010 – Caribbean Law Fair – St. Thomas March 22, 2010 – Caribbean Law Fair – St. Croix March 22, 2010 – Truman University June 19, 2010 – LSAC Washington DC Recruitment Forum September 8, 2010 – […]…Continue Reading Law School Recruiting
First Plant in Bloom-Spring?
Hopefully you’ll be suffering the vertigo as gladly as I-posting on snow removal last week, and on the first flower in bloom this spring the next.
We’re starting the year in blooms the same way we ended the year in blooms, with a Witch Hazel. This one is Ozark Witch Hazel, Hamamelis vernalis. A smaller witch […]…Continue Reading First Plant in Bloom-Spring?
Is Obama Destined to Fail? The Character Question
Why is Obama headed for failure? And what makes for a “great president”, at least during the post-World War II modern era? According to columnist Ralph Peters, it’s primarily a question of character. The great presidents of the modern era – and for Peters this includes Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan – all […]…Continue Reading Is Obama Destined to Fail? The Character Question