Skittles, Trolls, the Census and Congressional Representation: A True Story

Many of you have recently filled out, or will soon fill out, the 2010 Census form.  Under Article I, Section 2, of the Constitution, Congress is empowered to carry out the census. According to the Constitution, “The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United […]…Continue Reading Skittles, Trolls, the Census and Congressional Representation: A True Story

A watched Spring never boils

The problem with watching the weather is the frustration. Even my years of experience in spring anticipation somehow still hasn’t prepared me for the wait, the fits and starts of the season. The landscape waits patiently, though, and the plants are right where they need to be.
Today in blooms? Well, it’s pretty mellow. The family […]…Continue Reading A watched Spring never boils

Crocus poking up

After a week of pleasant weather, March has returned. Beware the Ides of March indeed-this is Vermont, and 50 degrees in March does not mean spring is upon us. Fortunately, the plants are right on time. This week in blooms, we’re seeing the first crocus coming up.
There isn’t a lot of crocus around campus. I […]…Continue Reading Crocus poking up

Online access to the Health Care Reform law.

The Health Care Reform legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and signed into law by President Obama is available on GPO’s Federal Digital System (FDsys). To view the electronic versions of the legislation, debate and vote click here for the press release:
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“I can’t heeeear you…”

This whole business about housing units in Jerusalem strikes me as more ridiculous than usual, and worse yet is the fallout, which is downright unsettling. The headlines of most important newspapers (like this one)today have included Netanyahu’s stubborn resistance on the subject of housing construction for Jews in East Jerusalem, most importantly, his speech in […]…Continue Reading “I can’t heeeear you…”