Dean of Libraries Mike Roy discusses privacy, big data and how we can be smarter users of technology services where we, the consumers, are the product….Continue Reading Patron Privacy in the Age of Big Data
Patron Privacy in the Age of Big Data

Dean of Libraries Mike Roy discusses privacy, big data and how we can be smarter users of technology services where we, the consumers, are the product….Continue Reading Patron Privacy in the Age of Big Data
Brian Foley, ITS Senior Technology Specialist, talks about some of the technology preparation involved with the annual Spring Student Symposium…Continue Reading Behind the Scenes at the Spring Student Symposium
Library outreach to connect our collections and services with all library users is important to us as librarians and as members of this campus community….Continue Reading Outreach For Diversity
In each issue of Keywords, we profile a faculty member who makes innovative use of the library and/or academic technology. This issue features Jason Grant, Instructor in Computer Science….Continue Reading Faculty Profile — Jason Grant
Book reviews by three undergraduate students at Middlebury College: Vee Duong, Van-Giang Nguyen and Wengel Kifle….Continue Reading What Are You Reading And Why?
fat ‘n’ hairy: ways i’m failing the patriarchy: This interactive display was stationed in the Davis Family Library atrium from April 16th- 23rd. Chellis House-Women’s Resource Center monitors collaborated in developing the project which allowed Middlebury community members to reply to the question, “How are you failing the patriarchy?” Find photos on Facebook. On A Real…Continue Reading Et Al.
Rachel Roseman is an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer (2017- 2018) at the Center for Community Engagement at Middlebury College. Literatures & Cultures Librarian Katrina Spencer poses some questions and has Rachel share on the Privilege & Poverty Academic Cluster and balancing core duties with creative projects….Continue Reading Rachel Roseman, the CCE, P&P and the LSAT!
Profile of Data Services Librarian, Ryan Clement …Continue Reading Staff Profile – Ryan Clement
Helen Hartness Flanders Ballad Collection (HHFBC), one of the important holdings in Middlebury College’s Special Collections, is one of the nation’s great archival collections of New England folksong, folklore, and balladry….Continue Reading Historic Folk Music Archive Gets 21st Century Update