Primary text: Rebuilding the Foodshed: How to Create Local, Sustainable, and Secure Food Systems, Philip Ackerman-Leist
Week 1: Sustainability and Energy (June 3-7)
Rebuilding the Foodshed, ch 1-4
“The Slow Living Summit.” 2013. Accessed May 31.
“Frances Moore Lappé.” Small Planet Institute,
Week 2: Ecology (June 10-14)
Rebuilding the Foodshed, ch 5 & 8
Week 3: Economy (June 17-21)
Rebuilding the Foodshed, ch 9 & 10
Optional Hewitt, Ben. The Town That Food Saved: How One Community Found Vitality in Local Food. Rodale Books, 2011.
Available in the stacks at the Middlebury College Library and as an audiobook here.
Week 4: Safety (June 24-28)
Center for Food Safety
Week 5: Security (July 1-5)
Rebuilding the Foodshed, ch 6
The State of Food: A Snapshot of Food Access in Louivsille
Week 6: Individual Food Challenge (July 8-12)
Resources Philip mentioned – or dug up in response to student questions – in his FoodWorks Talk on July 8
*If reliable, this very cool map indicates the gaping hole in the US as well as the 23 countries that do have a constitutional right to food, with an additional 41 that have it as implicit in their constitutions. Available at , but I can’t trace the authorship of the map without more clearheaded effort. (He says: Here I am using Wikipedia, which I discourage as a primary source for my students, but it was 2:00 AM.)
* Here is Anne Bellow’s webpage:
* And the FIAN Right to Food Journal:
“Is it possible to redesign our food systems in the U.S./Mexico borderlands so that they enhance the “caring capacity” of our lands and its communities? Can we increase that capacity so that we will be less apt to impoverish both the health of the land and the health of its multi-cultural communities than they currently do?”
Week 7: Equity (July 15-19)
Rebuilding the Foodshed, ch 7
Week 8: Education (July 22-26)
Rebuilding the Foodshed, ch 12
Edible Louisville- Agriculture 101 by Mary Berry Smith (Wendell’s daughter)
Week 9: Group-guide (July 29-August 2)
Rebuilding the Foodshed, Part 3 “New Direction”
Wendell Berry:
Edible Louisville Wendell Berry edition (May-June 2013)
The Pleasure of Eating by Wendell Berry
Wendell Told Us So by Michael Pollan
Wendell and Me by Mary Berry
My Mother’s Agrarian Making of a Home by Mary Berry