FoodWorks Talks are video conferences we have scheduled throughout the summer. Led by experts in the field, each Talk provides a high-content overview of the 5th Day theme for the week, connecting the FoodWorks Fellows to the same presenters and material, and to each other, before they embark on their 5th day experience in their respective locations. Video recordings of each FoodWorks Talk will be posted on the FoodWorks Talks page as they become available.
FoodWorks Talk VIII: Closing Reflections
On the final day of FoodWorks 2013, John Elder reunites with the students to engage in final reflections on the meaning and value of their summer learning experience.
[middmedia cede1c397a55b39393ff8efc0759ab44 skiel FoodWorksVIII.mp4]
FoodWorks Talk VII: Food Literacy and Food as Education
College and High School educators Emily Hoyler, Joe Franzen, and Brent Peters talk about ways food can be integrated into the curriculum to teach about food and food systems. They emphasize ways food touches on and across all of the disciplines, and is a means toward engendering life and liberal arts skills and outcomes.
[middmedia cede1c397a55b39393ff8efc0759ab44 skiel FoodWorksVII.mp4]
FoodWorks Talk VI: July 15, 2013
District 1 Metro Louisville Councilwoman Attica Scott answers questions about how creating a neighborhood garden in a low income “food desert” can build community and leadership.
[middmedia cede1c397a55b39393ff8efc0759ab44 skiel FoodworksVI.mp4]
FoodWorks Talk IV: Foodshed as New Democracy?
Monday, July 8: With Bill McKibben and Philip Ackerman-Leist.
[middmedia cede1c397a55b39393ff8efc0759ab44 skiel FoodWorksIV.mp4]
FoodWorks Talk III: FoodWorks Talk III: On Rural and Urban Food Economy
Friday, June 21, 2013: Ivor Chodkowski, and Elena Gustavson exchange successes, lessons and ongoing challenges from developing local agricultural economies in Louisville, Kentucky and Hardwick, Vermont. Ivor is a farmer, social entrepreneur, and restauranteur in Louisville, and Elena is Program Director at the Center for Agricultural Economy in Hardwick, where the conference was recorded.
[middmedia cede1c397a55b39393ff8efc0759ab44 skiel Foodworks%20%20Video%203.mp4]
FoodWorks Talk II: Justin Mog on Sustainability
Monday, June 10: Justin shares definitions, models and best practices for developing sustainability and sustainable agriculture.
[middmedia cede1c397a55b39393ff8efc0759ab44 skiel 061013.mp4 width:400 height:300]
John Elder’s Opening Day FoodWorks Talk: Erosion and Terroir, Justice, and Joy
Sunday, June 2, 2013 : John orients students to the big picture and touches on all the major themes covered in the summer’s curriculum.
[middmedia cede1c397a55b39393ff8efc0759ab44 skiel fw001.mp4 width:400 height:300]