The “wedge.”
The “level.”
The “fulcrum.”
Ivor said that being a consumer was a passive fallacy. In reality, he said, we are co-producers in the items we buy, use, eat, wear, wear-out, throw-away or recycle. For the “wedge” to engage the market, it needs more than just the idea or the champion; it needs co-producers supporting the endeavor with money, confidence, and encouragement. I saw this repeatedly as we visited the Root Cellar and Grasshoppers down here in Louisville, and I am sure the Middlebury alum who started his own farm was supported by others who enjoyed eating his produce and believed in what the farm stood for. McDonalds doesn’t need a wedge. It is one of the 16 ton Acme weights that seems to be immovable. It also seems that many are helping solidify the its position. These behemoths (ie. Monsanto, Cargill, Yum!, etc.) cover the economic landscape in regards to food and agriculture. Is it our job to move these obstacles? Do we work around them? Or burrow into them?
What are the effective “wedges” that you have found in your community? How do you identify them as something positive for the community and local economy? How can you become a co-producer beyond just buying their products?