Reminder From HR About CTO Maximums

The maximum amount of CTO (combined time off) that can be carried into the next fiscal year is capped at 24 days (see table below for maximum hourly equivalents).  Any CTO in excess of 24 days will automatically be transferred into your SLR as of June 24, for pay period 13 (6/6/16 – 6/19/16).  Please plan accordingly. […]…Continue Reading Reminder From HR About CTO Maximums

CTO Reminders

The arrival of the peak summer vacation season is an opportune time for a couple of CTO usage reminders.  Benefits-eligible staff employees please note that: Floating Holidays “Floating Holidays” are those holidays on which the College is partially open for business (that is, some departments are staffed and others are not).  Designated Floating Holidays are: […]…Continue Reading CTO Reminders

CTO Maximums and Transferring Time to SLR

Throughout the year each employee is responsible for managing his/her CTO amounts within the applicable limits. Remember, if you allow your balance to reach maximum during any pay period except the final one of the fiscal year, your excess accrual does not automatically transfer to SLR – instead you will stop accruing and forfeit the […]…Continue Reading CTO Maximums and Transferring Time to SLR