Final Videographic Essay
Due Monday Dec. 4 by class
Produce a video essay of at least 5 minutes length that conveys original ideas about some aspect of film and media. The video should display sophisticated understanding of the possibilities of videographic form, using sound and images to both convey ideas and create a compelling aesthetic experience. All sources should be cited, and credits should convey the work of all who contributed to the project (knowingly or unknowingly). Please indicate a copyright status for the video.
To receive a Satisfactory for the assignment, the video should fulfill the specifications stated above. A Sophisticated mark will be given to videos that demonstrate higher-level thinking, analysis, and creativity, tackling the ideas and expression with complexity and nuance.
All videos should be accompanied by a written statement discussing the goals of the project, the process of creating the video, and a self-assessment of both the product and process.
Videos can be revised and resubmitted at the cost of a token until noon on December 15.