Exercise #3 – Videographic Epigraph
Assignment #3 due before class, Monday
Select a sequence from your film, and a quotation from a critical text (not specifically related to your film) of no longer than 10 sentences. Alter the video sequence in some noticeable way using at least two different types of transitions or effects. Either replace or significantly alter the soundtrack. The quotation should appear onscreen in some dynamic interaction with the video. The video should not be longer than 3 minutes.
- Premiere Pro – Working With Titles
- Working with the Type Tool
- Graphics -> New Layer -> Text
- Can have multiple layers within the same graphic each with its own controls
- Graphics -> Upgrade to Master Graphic
- This will create a reusable text file in your project
- Right click -> Duplicate to create different versions.
- Working with Essential Graphics
- Window -> Essential Graphics
- Browse -> Thumbnail View
- Working with the Type Tool
- Premiere Pro – Working With Video Transitions & Effects
- Right click on a cut or at the beginning or end of a clip to apply a default transition
- Effects Tab
- Search
- Click and drag a desired transition or effect
- Working with opacity
- Stacking video clips
- V1, V2, etc.
- Adjusting the opacity of the top most video track
- Right click the “fx” box in the upper left corner of the video clip in the timeline or.
- Click the Effect Controls tab in the Source Window and adjust the opacity percentage.
- Stacking video clips
- Premiere Pro – Working With Audio Effects