RISE Summer Research Internships in Germany; Deadline Dec. 15

RISE stands for Research Internships in Science and Engineering. RISE Germany offers undergraduate students from North American, British and Irish universities the opportunity to complete a summer research internship at top German universities and research institutions.

  • Students are matched with a host university or institute according to their area of interest (biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, engineering, or a closely related field)
  • DAAD provides students a monthly stipend for three months to help cover living expenses
  • Host universities, universities of applied sciences (UAS) and institutes provide housing assistance and match students with Ph.D. student mentors or researchers (only UAS)
  • German language is not required and the working language will be in English

See https://www.daad.de/rise/en/rise-germany/ for more information and application instructions.

Congratulations to Middlebury’s 2020 NSF GRFP Fellows and Honorable Mention Recipients!

Six Middlebury alumni were named 2020 NSF Graduate Research Fellows by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). An additional six alumni received honorable mention. GRFP supports graduate study of U.S. citizens, nationals, and permanent residents pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or in STEM education. Approximately 13,000 applied for this year’s GRFP competition; of these, 2,076 were selected as NSF Graduate Research Fellows and 1,827 received Honorable Mention. Congratulations to all!

NSF GRFP Grant Winners

Sarah Dutton ’19, Chemistry – Chemical Measurement and Imaging, California Institute of Technology

Katherine Johnson ’18, Engineering – Bioengineering 

Emma Loizeaux ’13, Social Sciences-Geography

Larson Lovdal ’17, Engineering – Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Hannah Myers ’14, Geosciences – Marine Biology, University of Alaska, Fairbanks Campus

Miles Tyner ’18, Life Sciences – Microbial Biology

Honorable Mention

Nicholas Dragon ’14, Geosciences – Geobiology, University of Colorado, Boulder

Elizabeth Green ’17, Life Sciences – Ecology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Kristen Regenauer ’17, Psychology – Social Psychology, University of Maryland

Katherine Reinmuth ’17, Social Sciences – Economics

George Valentine ’19.5, Life Sciences – Ecology

Caleb Walcott ’19, Geosciences – Paleoclimate, SUNY Buffalo

University of Tennessee Summer Undergraduate Research Education Experiences in the Environmental Health Sciences, Applications Open!

The University of Tennessee Summer Undergraduate Research Education Experiences in the Environmental Health Sciences provides students an opportunity to explore their interests in the environmental health-related aspects of biology, microbiology, and the biomedical sciences through hands-on summer research opportunities. Students will uniquely experience the breadth and depth of research that occurs at a major research institution.

Program Description
The University of Tennessee’s Center for Environmental Biotechnology, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering, and Office of Undergraduate Research have partnered to provide a ten-week summer research education experience program designed to immerse and challenge undergraduate students in the science, technology, engineering, mathematical, and medical science (STEMM) disciplines. Students will be placed into faculty mentor labs for rigorous hands-on independent research with complementary training in experimental design, ethics, statistical analysis, laboratory management, entrepreneurship, and science communication. Application deadline is March 10, 2020.

Program Highlights
• 10-week research experience in the lab of a University of Tennessee faculty member
• Weekly seminar series on current research topics
• Special seminars on applying to and surviving in graduate school
• Professional development in science communication
• Social trips and other fun activities

Summer 2020 Program Details
• Dates: May 26th to August 1st, 2020
• Stipend: $3,700 plus housing and travel to and from Knoxville, Tennessee
• Additional information and an online application are available at: http://ugradresearchexp.utk.edu/

Program Eligibility
Undergraduate students majoring in biology, microbiology, biochemistry, biomedical engineering, environmental engineering, or other biotechnology-related areas, other physical sciences, science education, or public policy who have a strong desire to complete a Ph.D. Students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents enrolled in accredited colleges or universities.

Funding for this program is provided by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

Reminder: Nov. 10 Nomination Application Deadlines for Goldwater, Truman, Beinecke, St. Andrews

For Juniors (graduating Feb or May 2021)

Beinecke Scholarship: Funding for graduate study in humanities and social sciences. Juniors only. Must have 3.7+ GPA, documented financial need, US citizen or US national. Nomination applications due Nov 10; see go/beinecke.

Goldwater Scholarship: Tuition award, STEM students planning research careers. Sophomores and juniors eligible. Must have 3.7+ GPA, US citizen or US national. Nomination applications due Nov 10; see go/goldwater.
Truman Scholarship: Funding for public service-related graduate degree. Juniors only. Strong GPA, US citizen, record of leadership and public service. Nomination applications due Nov 10; see go/truman.

For Seniors (graduating Feb or May 2020)

St. Andrews Scholarship: Funding for one year of graduate study in Scotland. Seniors/super-seniors only.  Must have 3.7+ GPA, financial need, US citizen, some Scottish ancestry. Nomination applications due Nov 10; see go/standrews.

Stephanie Jordan ’20 and Teal Witter ’20 Named Goldwater Scholars

Congratulations to Middlebury’s newest Goldwater Scholars, Stephanie Jordan and Teal Witter! Stephanie and Teal were selected from a national pool of 1223 natural science, engineering and mathematics students nominated by 443 colleges and universities. The Barry Goldwater Scholarship provides scholarships up to $7,500 to support undergraduates pursuing careers in math, natural sciences, and engineering. Read more about Teal and Stephanie (and about swarm robotic programming and quantum algorithms) in the newsroom: http://www.middlebury.edu/newsroom/archive/2019-news/node/619221 .