Ah, Autumn. The sun is shining, the leaves are turning, fall semester is starting…
It’s difficult to believe that my final year at Middlebury is starting. ‘Twas only three years ago that my parents were taking the obligatory move-in photo as I was just starting my career here at Middlebury.
Thanks for the pic, Mom.
For my first year, we had to rent a minivan in order to bring all of my belongings up. Let’s just say I’m not a light packer. It’s a struggle playing the annual game of Car Tetris, trying to place all of your variously sized boxes and bags in the perfect orientation. We manage to win, at least most of the time. I haven’t had to sit on the top of the car for any trip (yet). We’ve since been able to manage without a minivan since moving in, but it’s a tight squeeze.
Actually moving into my first-year dorm (Battell–#wonnacottcommons #squirrels #squirrelsarefriendsnotfood) brought its own excitement. As we pulled up to the building, a swarm of residential life students attacked our car, grabbing all of my luggage and belongings from out of my car and taking it up to my dorm room. Everyone was having a great time, enthusiastic about the new first-years moving in and thrilled to help welcome the class of 2018 to the college community.
And the fun was just beginning! Later, we would meet with our whole Commons for our formal welcoming ceremony (stay tuned for more information about the Commons system!) and begin building the relationships that would continue with us throughout our four years at Middlebury and beyond.
As I watched the new first-years move into their dorms on campus and saw their bright, smiling faces as they embark on this next chapter of their lives, I know that their excitement will diffuse itself throughout campus as the semester begins. Just as they’re unpacking all of their belongings, they’re also unpacking the spirit and enthusiasm about Middlebury that I’ve felt throughout my time here.
Wishing the best of luck to the class of 2021 (WOW I’m old), and looking forward to viewing all of your accomplishments!