Don’t forget to check out part one, part two and part three of the series.
As any scholar can attest, the best part about being Posse, aside from the warm fuzzies and weekly/bi-weekly/BIG meetings with each other and the mentors, is having someone to go for advice. So for the month of August, 2011 we asked the scholars, “I wish I had known or someone had told me… (about Middlebury)” and this is what they had to say:
“When choosing your adviser(s), be very deliberate in your selection. They, like all of your professors are paid to serve you. Think of the process as an interview. By the end, your choice should be a professor you’ve had at least once class with and are most comfortable going to office hours for advice on classes, scheduling, internships, etc. Once you have an adviser, meet with them a lot to update them on what you’re up to and see what they are up to.
Avoid long dinner lines by going early. Proctor opens at 4pm. I prefer 5:30 dinners myself.
Study hard and play hard. It’s only healthy to release the stress of a long, arduous week by dancing for hours at your own, friends’, or commons-sponsored dance parties.
Take advantage of town. It’s nice to get off the campus and eat at the restaurants in town. I recommend Storm Cafe and Noonies for a nice sandwich. Clear your head and explore unique study spaces in town like Carol’s on Merchant Row. I personally recommend Stone Leaf Teahouse in Marble Works.For Posse Scholars- Make the most of the 1 on 1’s with your mentor! Although they end after the first two years, you can extend them if you want. “
Devon (MP10)
“-Come in with an open mind. You choose a lot of what you want your Midd experience to be.
-Though it may not look like it because we are from New York, Midd has a lot to offer.
-It might be hard and it may take a while to get into the groove of things but make Middlebury your campus. Put Posse’s tuition money into use.
-Take advantage of the Midd environment. Go hiking/ biking/ swimming/ skiing.
-Your hall mates/ roommate do not need to be your best friends.
-It’s okay to sit by yourself in the dining hall.
-Buy a lamp.
-Talk to your professors outside of the classroom.
-Middrides exists on campus. You can call Middrides to get from one place to another for free at night. Realistically, walking is faster but it’s cold at Midd.
-Take a day to explore Midd. At the library, there are cameras, voice recorders, lazy boy chairs, microphones, VHS, microfilms, and a fax machine. There is space in the Johnson building to get artsy. Go to the organic garden to see the sunset.
– Try to get your work done as soon as possible so you don’t feel behind.
– Have a lot of socks.
– Rugs make your room feel homier.”
Syeda (MP11)
“The Teahouse at Marbleworks: great place for delish tea and homework-doing. Use the second floor. It is too cute and comfy.
Language learners–use language tutors! I used one all of my first year, one on one, an hour a week…the best way to study, review, and really understand. Don’t settle with just any tutor, just like with a pair of jeans/a boy/a girl, keep shopping until you find the perfect match.
Eat and work out. The Grille is going to kill your wallet but make your tummy really happy on sucky days. And even if you’ve never worked out before, you’ll realize that the gym might be the only place where your mind and body are both too busy not falling off the treadmill to think about course work.”
Shipnia (MP10)
“I wish I knew about the free/ really cheap bikes you could get at the beginning of the school year from the bike shop.
Take time to walk around town as much as possible too. Carol’s Hungry Mind Cafe is a cool hide-out/ study spot when you want to get away from campus;-)
Do whatever major you love, not necessarily for a career. Nowadays Art majors can work in investment banks after college. So forget about what your parents have to say about your major choice. Do what’s fun for you. At the end of the day…all that matters is that Middlebury Degree. Love you all! Enjoy! So jealous you have 4 more years at midd!”
Meli (MP9)
That’s it for our August, 2011 OneMic! series! We hope you have enjoyed reading all the advice that these scholars have to share as much as we did. Come back next month for the very special, 9/11 10th Anniversary Project where we will be presenting stories from not just scholars but anyone and everyone who have been affected by this event in our generation’s history.