A Nissan Altima Sedan



sedan A sedan is a 4 passenger car with 3 distinct compartments (the engine, the passenger and the cargo).




A map of Highway AP-68



Highway AP-68 Highway AP-68  is a 295km long Spanish autopista route which connects Zaragoza with Bilbao via Tudela, Calahorra and Logroño.





A picture of Pope Francis



pontiff A pontiff is the Roman Catholic Pope also known as the Bishop of Rome. The current pontiff is Pope Francis who is the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church from Buenos Aires, Argentina.




Oriamendi hymns The Oriamendi hymns also known as the Marcha de Oriamendi  is the anthem of the Carlist movement. This movement is the traditionalist political movement in Spain that aims to restore the Carlist dynasty to the throne and protect Spain from the liberal influences of the French Revolution. The march epitomized the ideals of the Catholic soldier fighting for God, Country, and King.