Spanish Navy: The Spanish Navy is one of the branches of the Spanish armed forces and has been one of the most powerful maritime forces in the world throughout history.
Ambra Vidal esta a salvo: “Ambra Vidal is safe”
Como de almirante: “As of admiral”
Guardia Real: Guardia Real is the group of armed force workers that protect the
King and Queen of Spain. As with most political figures, a protection group is needed to ensure safety of the King/Queen/other officials. The Guardia Real, specifically, deals with the Royal Family in Spain. The members of the guard come from one of the branches of the Spanish armed forces and are trained specifically for thisposition.
Don Julian quiere hablar con usted: “Don Julian wants to speak with you”
Inmediamente: “Immediately”
Docent Program: A docent at a museum is a position held by a person who teaches visitors of a museum about the exhibits within the museum. Docents are often volunteers at the museums where they work.
Su alteza Don Julian, el principe, ha pedidio: “His highness, Don Julian, the prince, has asked”
Alcoholism: Term for when a person drinks alcohol to an excessive degree that results in mental or physical issues. The person cannot control themselves and consume large amounts of alcohol that affects them and those around them.
El Asesino ha huido: “The Assassin has fled”
Policia local: “Local Police”
Post-traumatic stress: A result of a traumatic experience. If someone is negatively impacted by an event, a person can be heavily affected afterwards. One could be triggered by a certain event, word, thought, etc., that brings back memories of the negative event; the person affected experiences trauma-related cues.
Saldida Bloqueada: “Locked Out”
Uniforme militar blanco: “White military uniform”
Bombing of the Cathedral: Since there is no information or clues that specify the exact bombing Brown is referencing, the only bombing found online with a broad search is a bombing at an Egyptian Cathedral. Brown did not allude to which bombing, therefore the conclusion of where cannot be drawn.
Bloqueos de carretera: “Roadblocks”
Luces! Y cobertura de movil!: “Lights! And mobile coverage!”
Madrid’s Royal Palace: Madrid’s Royal Palace is the official residence of the Spanish Royal family, located in Madrid. The Royal Family does not actually live in the palace itself; it is state-owned and used for certain ceremonies and gatherings.
By: Lauren Boyd