2012 Student Results

Summary and selected trends

  • The 2012 survey saw a response rate of 50.7% out of 700 randomly selected students
  • Between the 2008-2012 surveys, student responses suggest
    • increased satisfaction with the availability and performance of wireless networking on campus (although satisfaction with performance remains low)
    • increased importance in:
      • Access to Online Resources from Off-Campus
      • Library Reference Services
      • Library Databases
    • decreased satisfaction with
      • Group Study Spaces in the Library
      • Status Information on Computing Problems
      • Study Carrels in the Library
    • increased ownership of Smartphones/PDAs and MacOS computers
  • In 2012, students, like faculty, were most interested in avoiding and solving computer problems, and in backing up data.
  • In 2012, 57% of students reported being interested or very interested in learning new skills through self-directed instruction with online tutorial

Student Satisfaction vs. Importance scatter plot


1. Wireless performance on campus		22. E-mail SPAM filtering
2. Wireless availability on campus		23. Physical library collections
3. Campus printers				24. Input into library decisions
4. E-mail services				25. Technology support for scholarly research
5. Banner Web					26. Support for innovative ideas
6. Access to online resources from off-campus	27. Library circulation services
7. Overall library service			28. Library eBook collections	
8. Library databases (e.g. JSTOR, Lexis-Nexis)	29. Input into computing decisions
9. Electronic course reserves ("e-reserves")	30. Interlibrary loan
10. Overall computing service			31. Support for data backup
11. Quiet work space in the library		32. Technology Helpdesk
12. Overall LIS services			33. Subject research guides
13. Virus protection				34. Physical course reserves
14. Group study spaces in the library		35. Status information on computing problems
15. Study carrels in the library		36. Technology Helpdesk schedule
16. Library support for your scholarly research	37. Summon Discovery Layer
17. Time to resolve computing problems		38. Online audio/video for academic purposes
18. The wired network				39. Moodle	
19. Library reference services			40. Support for digital audio/video creation
20. Support for your computing problems		41. Midd mobile site (m.middlebury.edu)
21. The library schedule

Student OS ownership trends, 2008-2012


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