The abstract summarizes the purpose, experimental approach, and principle findings and conclusions of a project. Along with the title, the abstract is published widely (without the rest of the paper) by abstracting services for literature searches, so it must be able to stand alone as a complete picture of your work and concisely give readers enough information to decide if the whole paper might be of interest to them.
Like a title, the abstract is one of the last parts of a paper you should write. This is because you need to know what your methods, results, and conclusions are before you can summarize them in an abstract!
Before you can begin to write your first abstract, it is critical that you get a feel for their scope and level of detail. Read and compare the following abstracts. How are they similar? What structural differences do you notice among them?
“Linked magma ocean solidification and atmospheric growth for Earth and Mars,” Elkins-Tanton (2008) in Earth and Planetary Science Letters:
Early in terrestrial planet evolution energetic impact, radiodecay, and core formation may have created one or more whole or partial silicate mantle magma oceans. The time to mantle solidification and then to clement surface conditions allowing liquid water is highly dependent upon heat flux from the planetary surface through a growing primitive atmosphere. Here we model the time to clement conditions for whole and partial magma oceans on the Earth and Mars, and the resulting silicate mantle volatile compositions. Included in our calculations are partitioning of water and carbon dioxide between solidifying mantle cumulate mineral assemblages, evolving liquid compositions, and a growing atmosphere. We find that small initial volatile contents (0.05 wt.% H2O, 0.01 wt.% CO2) can produce atmospheres in excess of 100 bars, and that mantle solidification is 98% complete in less than 5 Myr for all magma oceans investigated on both Earth and Mars, and less than 100,000 yr for low-volatile magma oceans. Subsequent cooling to clement surface conditions occurs in five to tens of Ma, underscoring the likelihood of serial magma oceans and punctuated clement conditions in the early planets. Cumulate mantles are volatile-bearing and stably stratified following solidification, inhibiting the onset of thermal convection but allowing for further water and carbon emissions from volcanoes even in the absence of plate tectonics. Models thus produce a new hypothetical starting point for mantle evolution in the terrestrial planets. (230 words) “Heterogeneous heck catalysis with palladium-grafted molecular sieves,” Mehnert, Weaver, and Ying (1998) in Journal of the American Chemical Society: The synthesis and characterization of palladium-grafted mesoporous MCM- 41 material, designated Pd-TMS11, are described. The material is investigated for carbon-carbon coupling reactions (Heck catalysis) with activated and nonactivated aryl substrates. For the preparation of the new catalyst, a volatile organometallic precursor is reacted in the gas phase with the surface of the porous framework, generating a highly dispersed metal deposition. The ultrahigh surface area, the large pore opening, and the highly dispersed catalyst species in Pd-TMS11 material create one of the most active heterogeneous catalysts for Heck reactions. (88 words) “The relationship between luminosity and broad-line region size in active galactic nuclei,” Kaspi et al. (2005) in Astrophysical Journal: We reinvestigate the relationship between the characteristic broad-line region size (RBLR) and the Balmer emission-line, X-ray, UV, and optical continuum luminosities. Our study makes use of the best available determinations of RBLR for a large number of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) from Peterson et al. Using their determinations of RBLR for a large sample of AGNs and two different regression methods, we investigate the robustness of our correlation results as a function of data subsample and regression technique. Although small systematic differences were found depending on the method of analysis, our results are generally consistent. Assuming a power-law relation RBLR ∝ Lα, we find that the mean best-fitting α is about 0.67 ± 0.05 for the optical continuum and the broad Hβ luminosity, about 0.56 ± 0.05 for the UV continuum luminosity, and about 0.70 ± 0.14 for the X-ray luminosity. We also find an intrinsic scatter of ∼40% in these relations. The disagreement of our results with the theoretical expected slope of 0.5 indicates that the simple assumption of all AGNs having on average the same ionization parameter, BLR density, column density, and ionizing spectral energy distribution is not valid and there is likely some evolution of a few of these characteristics along the luminosity scale. (207 words) Architecture of succinate dehydrogenase and reactive oxygen species generation,” Yankovskaya et al. (2003) in Science: The structure of Escherichia coli succinate dehydrogenase (SQR), analogous to the mitochondrial respiratory complex II, has been determined, revealing the electron transport pathway from the electron donor, succinate, to the terminal electron acceptor, ubiquinone. It was found that the SQR redox centers are arranged in a manner that aids the prevention of reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation at the flavin adenine dinucleotide. This is likely to be the main reason SQR is expressed during aerobic respiration rather than the related enzyme fumarate reductase, which produces high levels of ROS. Furthermore, symptoms of genetic disorders associated with mitochondrial SQR mutations may be a result of ROS formation resulting from impaired electron transport in the enzyme. (114 words) |
Audience and purpose
The goal of your abstract is to summarize what the rest of your paper presents in detail. When done well, your abstract should entice interested scientists into reading your paper in full while ensuring that people looking for different information won’t have to search through the full document to realize that it doesn’t contain what they are looking for. This means that the specific context of your work, the types of methods you employed, your major results, and your most important conclusions should all be included in your abstract so that readers can get a complete picture of the work.
This means that your abstract is mostly directed toward experts in your field; but because it contains so many different types of information, its audience also contains other scientists as well as students. This wide array of audience members therefore necessitates the inclusion of both general information, such as the introduction to your project, as well as specific scientific detail in the summarizing of your findings (including quantitative data with errors).
Style and conventions
There are a few key conventions utilized in the abstract that differ from those in the rest of the paper. Be sure to keep the following differences straight!
1. Avoid using visuals
Although visuals are a very valuable part of the body of your paper, they often take up too much room to be considered useful for an abstract. It is also not appropriate within the abstract to refer to a figure that’s located in the body of your paper; the abstract should be able to stand alone.
The exception to this is if a journal specifically requires that a visual be included, which is occasionally the case in organic chemistry but rarely in most other disciplines. A figure can be useful in the abstract to summarize a procedure or result. In these instances, the visual usually can involve some text for labeling but not a title or caption. Color is often acceptable in the abstract figure.
2. Avoid citing the literature
In most disciplines, literature references in the abstract are discouraged. Although you may refer to information gathered from other sources, it should be general enough to not require a specific citation. If you know that a citation must be used, all of the reference information should be provided in-text so that the abstract is complete on its own (without your Literature Cited section).
3. Avoid using abbreviations and acronyms
Except for very common abbreviations that require no definition, it is better to spell a phrase out completely than to abbreviate it in your abstract. If the term is used repeatedly within the abstract, an abbreviation can be used and defined in order to minimize repetition. However, this term will still require definition again when you first mention it in the body of your paper.
Keeping your abstract concise
Perhaps one of the most important parts of the abstract is that it is concise. Unfortunately, this can also be one of the hardest parts, because summarizing sometimes years of interesting work into a single paragraph means omitting lots of details you find important.
Although there is no universal rule about how long an abstract should be, a good rule of thumb is that it should not exceed about 150-200 words. Luckily, nearly every journal should have explicit instructions for a maximum length for its abstracts.
To learn and practice strategies for achieving conciseness, visit our comprehensive page about the topic here.
Practice exerciseEdit the following abstracts for conciseness. Try to reduce the abstracts by at least 100 words each.
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The abstract is a component of your journal article that is separate from the “hourglass” organization of your paper as a whole.
The organization of your abstract should mirror that of your paper: in general, starting and ending broadly, with important details and data in the middle.
Move structure
The move structure of an abstract is almost like an incredibly condensed version of your paper. You might have one sentence that acts an “introduction,” one that describes your methods, a few that describe your results, and possibly one that acts like a “discussion.” Below is a diagram that outlines each of the moves you should make in your abstract.
1. Describe what your project was about. The first part of your abstract is what informs your audience of the importance of your project. You’ve already given them an idea of the contents of your paper through your descriptive title, but now you are convincing them in one or two concise sentences that it is worth a read. Move 1(iii) is the most critical of the three submoves, but (i) and (ii) are also good to include to help situate the purpose and accomplishments of your project in a greater context.
Below is an abstract from Wallraff et al. (2004). Move 1 is in bold.
The interaction of matter and light is one of the fundamental processes occurring in nature, and its most elementary form is realized when a single atom interacts with a single photon. Reaching this regime has been a major focus of research in atomic physics and quantum optics for several decades and has generated the field of cavity quantum electrodynamics. Here we perform an experiment in which a superconducting two-level system, playing the role of an artificial atom, is coupled to an on-chip cavity consisting of a superconducting transmission line resonator. We show that the strong coupling regime can be attained in a solid-state system, and we experimentally observe the coherent interaction of a superconducting two-level system with a single microwave photon. The concept of circuit quantum electrodynamics opens many new possibilities for studying the strong interaction of light and matter. This system can also be exploited for quantum information processing and quantum communication and may lead to new approaches for single photon generation and detection.
This abstract makes clear the field of research and its importance (submove i). Submoves (ii) and (iii) are more intertwined in the statement: “Reaching this regime has been a major focus of research.” They are saying that no one has yet been able to get a single atom to interact with a single photon (ii) and that they will be attempting to get closer to this goal using cavity quantum electrodynamics (iii).
2. Identify the methods used. The amount of detail you provide in this section is largely dependent on the purpose of your paper. If your goal is to analyze the efficacy of a particular instrument in a specific research context, you will probably need to identify the instrument and the basic experimental outline. If the methods you used are commonplace, you might hardly need more than a word or two to identify them.
Here is the same abstract from above, this time with Move 2 in bold.
The interaction of matter and light is one of the fundamental processes occurring in nature, and its most elementary form is realized when a single atom interacts with a single photon. Reaching this regime has been a major focus of research in atomic physics and quantum optics for several decades and has generated the field of cavity quantum electrodynamics. Here we perform an experiment in which a superconducting two-level system, playing the role of an artificial atom, is coupled to an on-chip cavity consisting of a superconducting transmission line resonator. We show that the strong coupling regime can be attained in a solid-state system, and we experimentally observe the coherent interaction of a superconducting two-level system with a single microwave photon. The concept of circuit quantum electrodynamics opens many new possibilities for studying the strong interaction of light and matter. This system can also be exploited for quantum information processing and quantum communication and may lead to new approaches for single photon generation and detection.
The authors decided to describe their experimental design for Move 2. Notice that although the design is clearly complex, they have managed to summarize it in one concise sentence that communicates how this experiment relates to their project goal.
3. Summarize your results. In this move, you show your readers why your paper is important. If there are specific results or trends that are important, you should identify them specifically by saying, for example, “was 4.23 mg/L” rather than “was higher than expected.” Don’t give your readers an exhaustive list of your results, however–choose the most important findings. Finally, you can conclude your abstract with a summary statement of the possible impact of your findings.
Read this abstract again, now taking note of Move 3 (in bold).
The interaction of matter and light is one of the fundamental processes occurring in nature, and its most elementary form is realized when a single atom interacts with a single photon. Reaching this regime has been a major focus of research in atomic physics and quantum optics for several decades and has generated the field of cavity quantum electrodynamics. Here we perform an experiment in which a superconducting two-level system, playing the role of an artificial atom, is coupled to an on-chip cavity consisting of a superconducting transmission line resonator. We show that the strong coupling regime can be attained in a solid-state system, and we experimentally observe the coherent interaction of a superconducting two-level system with a single microwave photon. The concept of circuit quantum electrodynamics opens many new possibilities for studying the strong interaction of light and matter. This system can also be exploited for quantum information processing and quantum communication and may lead to new approaches for single photon generation and detection.
The authors begin with submove (i), summarizing the principle findings of their project. They then dedicate two whole sentences to (ii), in which they explain the importance of the system they utilized. This move could probably be improved by adding why the particular results of their experiments are impactful, while condensing their two concluding sentences into one.
Note: Although the moves of the abstract are similar to some of the moves in other parts of your paper (like your introduction and methods, for example), you should avoid directly copying sentences from these sections into your abstract. Instead, take what you know from the paper that you’ve already written and craft new (and hopefully even more concise!) statements for your abstract.
Test yourselfRead the abstract given and identify which sentences comprise each of the major moves (1, 2 and 3) made by the authors. The beginning of each sentence is numbered, such as [1], for easier reference in the solutions.
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Test yourselfEach of the following sentences are taken out of context from journal article abstracts. Identify the move associated with each statement.
[bg_faq_start] Solutions