January 2019

Takeover Middlebury consulting group website

Contact: Isabel Lindsay (irlindsay@middlebury.edu)

I’m reaching out on behalf of the Middlebury Consulting Group, which is run by myself and Alejandro Martinez Perez. Last year, we built a website to provide our potential clients with an easily accessible way of understanding who we are and what we do. However, Alejandro and I are graduating in May, so we are looking for another student (sophomore or junior) to maintain the website (i.e. update the content every few months). It would be very simple work and far from time-intensive.

Redesign Lincoln Peak Vineyard website

I am a sophomore at the college and am a member of the Middlebury Consulting Group. For our project last semester we were working with a local vineyard, Lincoln Peak, who following our final deliverable, wanted some help in redesigning their website. I was wondering if you could either put me in contact with some computer science majors with a background in graphic design or website design, or a professor who could do so in order to redesign their website. The opportunity will most likely be paid. I appreciate any help with the matter!

Best regards,

Shaye Anis


Summer research experience (REU) at LSU Center for Computation & Technology


Research Experience for Undergraduates
Center for Computation & Technology
Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Computational Sciences
Applications due: Fri Feb 15 2019
Program: Mon May 20 – Fri July 26 2019
Contact: reu@cct.lsu.edu


The Center for Computation & Technology (CCT) hosts a
ten week Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program
where students work collaboratively on a wide variety of
computational science projects.

Each student receives a stipend of $5,000, free housing in
university dormitories, and up to $600 in travel expenses to
and from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Ten students will be selected.


Undergraduate, community college student, or high school senior
attending college in the fall, interested in a major that is within
the computational sciences umbrella (leaves out few majors as it
includes all sciences, mathematics, engineering, finance,
statistics, etc.) with at least a 2.75 GPA, considering a career
in research and/or graduate school in your major, being a
US citizen or permanent resident, and graduating at least
one semester after completion of the REU.

Important Dates:

February 15, 2019: Application deadline.
March 15, 2019: Notification of decision.
May 20, 2019 through July 26, 2019: Program dates.

The research activities of the CCT are organized into five Focus
Areas: Core Computing Sciences, Coast to Cosmos, Material World,
Cultural Computing, and System Science and Engineering.

These are broad, and sometimes overlapping areas where faculty from
diverse departments (Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics,
Civil Engineering, Oceanography and Coastal Sciences,
Petroleum Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and
Computing Engineering, Music, Business, etc.) collaborate in
multidisciplinary projects.

Our REU students learn how to use some of the nation’s largest
supercomputers, may participate in the setup and management of
large-scale simulations, and may take on an important role in the
analysis and visualization of the simulation results.

For more information and to apply, visit:


Scrape website data for Midd Psychology research project

We’re looking for a student coder who can programmatically scrape and process a large quantity of data, preferably using R. We are happy to meet and discuss, and are happy to clarify these requirements.

We want to scrape a specific Reddit subreddit – /r/politics, not that it really matters. We want to scrape all posts within a specific time frame and all comments in response to those posts, and we will need to format the data in a fairly particular way. The data itself can be scraped directly from Reddit (e.g., https://www.reddit.com/dev/api/) , or we could use the Google BigQuery reddit datasets that exist (e.g.,https://bigquery.cloud.google.com/table/fh-bigquery:reddit_comments.2015_05?pli=1). Coming directly from Reddit is probably preferable, but not by much.

Contact Prof. Martin Seehus (mseehuus@middlebury.edu)

Summer RA position in Midd Economics depth. developing games in Python for textbook

Dear students,

Two professors in the Economics Department (Jeff Carpenter and Andrea Robbett) are looking to hire a summer research assistant with strong Python skills. The job involves programming approximately 30 economic games using o-Tree, which is based on Python. The games will eventually be used as classroom experiments/demonstrations to accompany a game theory textbook. The position is full time for 8 weeks on campus over the summer at the standard pay rate. The exact dates are flexible, but must be between May 29th and August 17th. If you would like to be considered for this position, please submit this form by 5pm this Friday, February 1st. We will reach out to you by the following week and the position will be finalized during the first week of Spring term.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Andrea Robbett (arobbett@middlebury.edu)
Jeff Carpenter (jcarpent@middlebury.edu)

Carnegie Mellon REU on software engineering

Carnegie Mellon University’s Institute for Software Research is excited to invite students for an REU program in interdisciplinary software engineering in summer 2019. We are especially interested in promoting research opportunities for students traditionally underrepresented in computer science, and for first- and second-year undergraduate students. Neither research experience nor advanced coursework in computer science or software engineering is required.

We specifically hope to overcome a narrow stereotypical view of what software engineering is. REU participants will conduct cutting edge research in interdisciplinary software engineering including topics such as social analysis of software teams and organizations, software API usability, green computing, programming language design, security and privacy, automated program analysis and repair, self-adaptive systems and software development tools.

REU participants will:
* Spend 10 weeks at Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science.
* Receive mentoring from world leaders in their fields.
* Learn research skills in undergraduate seminars throughout the summer.

REU participants will get:
* $5,000 stipend and $1,200 meal allowance.
* Travel to and from Carnegie Mellon.
* Air-conditioned campus housing.
* Social events throughout the summer (e.g., amusement parks, baseball games).

You should apply if:
* You are interested in research in interdisciplinary software engineering.
* You have a demonstrated success in introductory undergraduate computer science courses.
* You are a U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident who will be in a college or university program next year.

Deadline to apply: February 1, 2019
To apply and learn more: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Freuse.cs.cmu.edu&data=02%7C01%7Cdickerso%40middlebury.edu%7C6e4afeb98531450ed9db08d670cb93ea%7Ca1bb0a191576421dbe93b3a7d4b6dcaa%7C1%7C1%7C636820417012373277&sdata=yzVIdsiI3TaOBBOWC3qioLiTWuX%2FgTJBss65E5JRM3w%3D&reserved=0

Software Carpentry workshop at Midd 1/17-1/18

Hello STEM community —

On January 17-18, 2019, Middlebury is hosting a Software Carpentry workshop for faculty, staff, and students. This workshop is co-sponsored by the Middlebury Library, the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research (CTLR), the Digital Liberal Arts Initiative (DLA), and the Director of the Sciences.

The Carpentries are a fiscally sponsored project of Community Initiatives. They teach skills that are immediately useful for researchers, using lessons and datasets that allow researchers to quickly apply what they’ve learned to their own work. We’re really excited about using the Software Carpentry curriculum here to help our faculty, staff, and students become more efficient in their research.

This workshop is discipline agnostic. The curriculum will include:

Shell scripting in the bash shell (using the command line)
Version control with git and GitHub
Data manipulation, analysis, and visualization with R/RStudio
The target audience is learners who have little to no prior computational experience, and the instructors will put a priority on creating a friendly environment to empower researchers and enable data-driven discovery. Even those with some experience will benefit, as the goal is to teach not only how to do analyses, but how to manage the process to make it as automated and reproducible as possible. For instance, after attending this workshop you will be able to:

Write a loop that applies one or more commands separately to each file in a set of files
Share your code and make it easy to cite
Read tabular data from a file into R and perform operations on it
Manage files and projects in RStudio
Use ggplot2 and R to create publication-quality graphics
Space is limited and it will likely fill quickly. This workshop is free of charge, and lunch and coffee breaks will be provided. Here is a registration link: http://go.middlebury.edu/swc2019-registration/, and the workshop webpage http://go.middlebury.edu/swc2019 for more information.

Questions? Send email to Ryan Clement, rclement@middlebury.edu, or me atwshook@middlebury.edu.

December 2018

International PhD fellowship in AI at University of Warwick

Within these, I’m pleased to highlight the Feuer International Scholarship in Artificial Intelligence (MPhil/PhD) which is open to applications for October 2019 entry. This will be repeated for one further intake in October 2020.

Funded by Warwick alumnus Jonathan Feuer, it was established to create a group of extremely talented, academically brilliant, world-leading young researchers who will go on to have careers in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Number of awards:

· 3


· Full tuition fees and stipend for 3 years

· Opportunity to work alongside Warwick’s Turing fellows and world-leading experts at the Alan Turing Institute in London

· Access to industry partners, mentoring and potential investment opportunities

Eligibility requirements:

· Candidates should be open to learning new skills, which might be outside the field of their undergraduate and/or Masters degree. They should have, or be about to graduate with a GPA of 3.8 or above from a 4 year Bachelor of Science. Ideally, they will also possess, or about to be awarded a Master’s level degree.

· We are looking for students with aspiration as well as intellectual aptitude. They should possess an innovative approach to problem solving, well developed technical skills, a willingness to work in a cross-disciplinary training and research setting.


· Deadline – January 31 2019 (for expression of interest including CV and supporting statement of no more than 1000 words)

· Stage 1 decisions – March 2019

· Interviews – March 2019

· Decisions – late March 2019

How to apply:

1. Submit an expression of interest via the online application form

2. Invitation to submit a full application via Warwick’s main portal

3. If shortlisted, interview with the department and the donor, Jonathan Feuer

Additional information:

The supporting statement should indicate how the candidate’s background and interests align with the field of Artificial Intelligence, and which areas of Artificial Intelligence the candidate is most interested in pursuing.

Key links:

· Feuer International Scholarship in AI information page

· About the scholarship (including funding levels, eligibility and processes)

· AI at Warwick

· Warwick’s Research Archive Portal

· Warwick’s Experts Directory

· PhD Life Blog

I would very much appreciate any support you can offer in announcing this to your student body and alumni. I’ll be glad to assist with any questions and wish you all the best from England in the meantime.

Best regards,

Sarah Jamieson
Regional Officer (North America) | Europe & Americas Team | University of Warwick

s.jamieson@warwick.ac.uk | External: 024 7615 1174 | Internal: 51174

Midd French professor looking for CS student for J-term or Spring research assistantship

French professor is looking for a CS student for January and/or Spring research assistantship to help create digital interactive games for a French grammar web site on Canvas.

Job will entail:

(1) finding out and write up a report on what is available (apps, web sites) for French language learning, resources to which users of the web site could be directed

(2) finding out and write up a report on what’s available for foreign language acquisition that could be used for creating games for the web site and create a few games as prototypes

(3) trying out one or two ideas to test out and pilot and prototype any innovative ideas for digital games as a way to practice French grammar

Please email Prof. Humbert: humbert@middlebury.edu

Ongoing Midd DLA projects that might be of interest to CS students

For now, I know that one of the DLA Fellows, Brigitte Humbert, is curious to have a student conduct an environmental scan of gaming options for her project on building a digital website for practicing French grammar. What’s out there that, from off the shelf proprietary apps to open source? How do they work? Sustainability issues? And so on. The project might also include a student prototyping a game or two for her website from scratch to experiment with what is possible and report on the issues discovered from the process.

Dima Ayoub is working on a text mining project about paratexts (such as glossaries) of Arabic-to-English translation. She and her Arabic students have been developing a database with my and Ryan Clement’s consultation and they are getting closer to exploring potential visualizations of the data and relationships within it. So a kind of text-mining data visualization project if there are students interested in exploring that.

I am working on three projects currently that might be of interest to some CS students.

One is a digital mapping project in which we want to explore ways to increase access to the history of the folk revival’s history through various navigations, animations, and explorations of Humbead’s Revised Map of the World—Revising Humbead’s Revised Map of the World: Digitally Remapping the Sixties Folk Music Revival.

The second is weird: continuing to work on experiments with sonifying images: how can we transform image data into sonic forms for productive interpretive inquiry?—“A Foreign Sound To Your Ear”: Digital Image Sonification for Historical Interpretation.

The final one is about exploring scholarly collaboration, communication, and publication of international work on Atlantic World cultural history: Atlantic World Forum: Reimagining the Online Scholarly Roundtable, Reshaping the Global Digital Humanities, Reframing Circum-Atlantic Cultural Histories.

And finally I’m offering a course this spring on Digitizing Folk Music History if students are interested. Flier is attached.

Students are always welcome to come talk with me about their interests and how they might wish to connect to DLA work.


All best,

Dr. Michael J. Kramer
Acting Director, Digital Liberal Arts @ Middlebury College
Assistant Professor of the Practice, Digital History/Digital Humanities
Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research, Davis Library 215, 110 Storrs Avenue, Middlebury, VT 05753
email: michaelk@middlebury.edu, phone: 802.443.5617, mobile: 847.942.5182, skype handle: culturerover
website: michaeljkramer.net,

Michael J. Kramer
Michael J. Kramer works at the intersection of historical scholarship, cultural criticism, the arts, and digital technology. He is the author of The Republic of Rock: Music and Citizenship in the Sixties Counterculture (Oxford University Press, 2013; paperback, 2017). His current book project, This Machine Kills Fascists, explores the relationship between technology and tradition in the US …

twitter: @kramermj
office hours: Tuesdays 10-noon or by appointment

PennApps Hackathon

Sign Up for PennApps XIX – February 2-3, 2019!!!

PennApps is the nation’s first hackathon hosted every semester at the University of Pennsylvania and we want you to apply to be a part of the action this winter — apply at http://bit.ly/pennapps-xix-app!

Apply for the opportunity to:

Win thousands of dollars worth of prizes!
Enjoy free food and drinks for a weekend!
Interact with amazing sponsors and collect lots of free swag!
Mingle and code with hackers like you from all over the world for 24 hours straight!
Attend fun side events including 5K race, S’mores, cup-stacking, etc.!

Priority Admission Deadline: 12/10/2018 @ 11:59PM EDT

Final Deadline: 12/23/2018 @ 11:59PM EDT

When: Saturday, February 2 through Sunday, February 3

Where: University of Pennsylvania – School of Engineering and Applied Science

PennApps is also continuing our campus ambassador program, with applications out now! Campus ambassadors help us to promote PennApps across campus and get many of their fellow peers to apply. Head to http://bit.ly/pennapps-xix-ca-app to fill out the application by Dec 3rd at midnight. You’ll receive an email from us on Dec 4th regarding if you’ve been selected to be an ambassador.

All applicants will be notified of their status in early January. We look forward to seeing what you can bring to PennApps XIX! If you have any questions, feel free to email us at contact@pennapps.com.

October 2018

Harvard Medical School Summer Institute in Biomedical Informatics

Just wanted to share the link to apply to the program I participated in last summer with you as a potential opportunity for other students (below). It was a really great experience and I think other Midd students would really enjoy it!! Applications open November 1 and close January 31.
Summer Institute in Biomedical Informatics | Department of …
At a Glance. The Summer Institute in Biomedical Informatics, now entering its 14th year, is for undergraduates with quantitative interests and skills who aspire to contribute to translational advances in biomedicine with a future PhD or research-oriented MD or MD/PhD.. Features of the program include: Nine weeks long, June 9 – August 10, 2019

Middlebury Entrepreneurs J-term course

As J-Term registration is approaching, I want to let you know that Middlebury Entrepreneurs, an Innovation Hub J-term course, is accepting applications. If you are interested in exploring and developing an idea for a business or non-profit organization, consider applying to take Midd Entrepreneurs this j-term. Applications are due tomorrow (Friday, October 26th).

Midd Entrepreneurs is a winter term course for students who want to start their own organization, business, or non-profit. Students spend the month developing their ideas, building their organizations, and preparing for the culminating event — pitching their ideas to a panel of venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders.

This year, the class is being co-taught by David Bradbury and Sam Roach Gerber— both coming from VCET, a business development center and incubator space in Burlington and Middlebury for emerging startups. Winners of the final pitch competition will have an automatic entry to theLaunch VT Collegiate competition. Visit go/midde to find out more info about the course, and please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!

Thank you so much,

Alex Brockelman

Alex Brockelman ‘18

Middlebury College | Center for Creativity, Innovation, and Social Entrepreneurship

118 South Main St. | Middlebury, VT 05753

We are excited to announce a Newspapers on Wikipedia Edit-a-thon on Friday, October 26, 2018 from 3pm – 7pm in the Wilson Media Lab.

Newspapers on Wikipedia (NOW) is a project focused on improving Wikipedia’s coverage of historical local news sources. Fewer than half of local U.S. newspapers have a page on Wikipedia. This creates a significant information gap (or “data void”) for citizens trying to navigate the current news landscape. It also creates an opportunity for action—you can help fill the information gap by contributing to Wikipedia!

Haven’t published on Wikipedia before? No problem! At the NOW Edit-a-thon, attendees will learn how to write for Wikipedia, and contribute to improving the web by researching and creating entries. We’ll provide a list of papers in Vermont and California that need Wikipedia articles (or you can choose a newspaper from your home community!).

The Edit-a-thon is open to all Middlebury students, faculty, and staff–join for the entire time or drop in as you are available. And we will have food, prizes, and swag—it will be a web-improving misinformation-busting party! Please RSVP here so we can send you resources and information before the event: https://dlinq.middcreate.net/digital-literacy/newspapers-on-wikipedia-edit-a-thon-vermont-campus/

Newspapers on Wikipedia Edit-a-thon (Vermont campus …

Want to help improve our digital information environments? Want to help combat misinformation on the web? Join the Newspapers-on-Wikipedia Edit-a-thon on October 26, 3pm – 7pm in the Wilson Media Lab.

To learn more about the Newspapers on Wikipedia Edit-a-thon or to register, visit go/NOWedit

The Newspapers on Wikipedia Edit-a-thon is hosted by the Office of Digital Learning and Inquiry, go/DLINQ

Get Fast-Tracked for 2019 Jobs & Internships with IBM Through Uncubed

Interested in meeting experts at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing & Machine Learning, and landing a job or internship with the company at the forefront of it all?

IBM & Uncubed are bringing together students looking for full-time opportunities in 2019 to learn about the future of AI: from reducing environmental pollution and predicting weather patterns to protecting public safety and personalizing education practices.

Events will take place this November across Atlanta, Boston, San Francisco, and Toronto — travel & lodging provided (read FREE!)

(Not looking for a full-time position yet? Apply through Uncubed and get priority access to 2019 internships.)

Students will be selected through our application process — we currently have full-time & internship positions available in Engineering & Development, Product Management, Design & UX, Data Science, and more!

Learn more and apply here.

Questions? Contact us at ibm@uncubed.com.


MiddCORE J-term Apps due FRIDAY 10/26, 8PM ET

Transformative. Life-altering. That’s how college students describe Middlebury’s MiddCORE: a four-week summer program for current college students and recent graduates who want to develop the SKILLS, EXPERIENCE, and CONFIDENCE to be successful in life and work. Through an intensive daily schedule of small-group classes and mentor-led workshops, students develop skills in teamwork, innovation, trial-and-error exploration, networking, and practical problem-solving. The program is highly collaborative and hands-on, and students work closely with each other and more than 50 mentors from the top leading fields and professions. To better understand MiddCORE check out the course book, brochure, and alumni report. Apply today for J-term MiddCORE.

Silicon Valley Student Innovation Trek – Fully Funded February Break Trip

The Center for Careers and Internships and the Middlebury Professional Networks are partnering to provide a fully donor-funded “Student Innovation Trek” to the San Francisco Bay Area over February break. The objective is to expose students interested in all areas of innovation to real-world professional experiences that will enable them to apply their liberal arts learning while informing their career exploration and other post-graduate planning.

The Student Innovation Trek experience is open to all sophomores, juniors, and seniors. It will include 10 students competitively selected through the application process described below, with strong preference given to students who receive financial aid as per the request of the donor. Students will travel to San Francisco as a group, departing from Burlington on Sunday, February 3rd, and returning on Friday, February 8th, accompanied by a CCI advisor. To help ensure that there is no barrier to participation, all travel, lodging, meal, and related expenses will be paid.

This immersive “living and learning” experience will be organized around job-shadowing opportunities with alumni at companies like Tesla, Genentech, IDEO and more. The experience will also include reflection dinners and career conversations with other select alumni. Students will travel and live together as a cohort and attend an Innovation Summit as part of the experience.

APPLY NOW! Applications due Sunday, October 28th (11:55 PM)

Access the application and details in Handshake here.
Learn more about Student Treks here.

Strong candidates will be able to demonstrate a desire for a future career in the innovation through their activities and/or coursework. Strong preference will be given to students who qualify for financial aid.

Questions? Ursula Olender: uolender@middlebury.edu

Research assistant positions in applied microeconomics at Chicago

Several microeconomics professors at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business are hiring full-time research assistants to start around July 1, 2019. These full-time RAs will be working on projects in applied microeconomics. If you know of any exceptional graduating seniors or recent graduates who would be interested in working with these faculty for a year or two before applying to graduate programs in economics, I would appreciate you letting them know about this opportunity. If there is any student who you think is particularly worthy of a close look, please don’t hesitate to let me know directly.
A job description with information on how to apply can be found at http://www.nber.org/jobs/Micro_RA_NBER.pdf. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.
Thank you,

Stephen Lamb
Associate Director, Faculty Support
Faculty Services

The University of Chicago
Booth School of Business
5807 South Woodlawn Avenue, 448E
Chicago, IL 60637

Office: 773.834.2539
Fax: 773.702.4480

Dept. Defense SMART scholarship

The Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship for Service Program Office is excited to announce that the SMART application is now open for registration! The application will be open until 12/1/2018.

The SMART Program is an opportunity for students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics disciplines to receive a full scholarship and be gainfully employed by the Department of Defense upon degree completion.

Interested students may apply at


SMART Program eligibility requirements are as follows:

– a citizen of the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or United Kingdom,

– 18 years of age or older as of August 1, 2019,

– able to participate in summer internships at a DoD facility,

– willing to accept post-graduate employment with the DoD,

– a student in good standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale at the time of award and,

– pursuing a technical undergraduate or graduate degree in one of the disciplines listed on the About SMART page of the website.

For questions or additional information contact,

Jack Meyer, Army Service Liaison (LMI), Supporting the SMART Scholarship Program Jack.m.meyer2.ctr@mail.mil or Desk Phone: (703) 697-0309

Google scholarships

Applications are now open for Google’s 2019 student scholarships.Selected student will each receive a $10,000 scholarship for the 2019-2020 academic year and be invited to attend the annual Google Scholars’ Retreat at the Googleplex next summer.
Here is a list of open scholarships that you can share with your students:
Women Techmakers Scholars Program(https://www.womentechmakers.com/scholars)is open to current undergraduate or graduate students who will be studying at a university in the United States or Canadafor the 2019-2020 academic year. We strongly encourage people who identify as female to apply.Deadline: December 6, 2018
Generation Google Scholarship(https://buildyourfuture.withgoogle.com/scholarships/generation-google-scholarship/#!?detail-content-tabby_activeEl=detail-overview-content)is open to current undergraduate or graduate students who will be studying at a university in the United States or Canada for the 2019-2020 academic year. We strongly encourage students from historically underrepresented groups, including Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian, or Filipino/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, to apply.Deadline: December 6, 2018
Google Lime Scholarship(https://buildyourfuture.withgoogle.com/scholarships/google-lime-scholarship/#!?detail-content-tabby_activeEl=detail-overview-content)is open to current undergraduate or graduate students with disabilities who will be studying at a university in the United States or Canada for the 2019-2020 academic year. Deadline: December 9, 2018
Google Student Veterans of America Scholarship(https://buildyourfuture.withgoogle.com/scholarships/google-student-veterans-of-america-scholarship/#!?detail-content-tabby_activeEl=detail-overview-content) is open to current undergraduate or graduate student veterans who will be studying at a university in the United States for the2019-2020academic year. Deadline: November 1, 2018
For questions and complete details on all of our scholarships, please visit https://buildyourfuture.withgoogle.com/scholarships/s.


Chris Stephenson
Head of Computer Science Education Strategy
Google Inc.

Full time Jobs at Datadog (received from an Alum)

From: Isaac Sadaqah, Middlebury CS major class of 2011

I hope everything is going well. I am just reaching out about a junior developer positions we will have open in May 2019. We are finally able to take on more junior people and I want to make sure students in the department know about it.


Quick summary:

Datadog offers infrastructure and application monitoring to firms of all sizes and is built to work with dynamic infrastructure that’s running in the cloud. We are building new products including logging, tracing, and process monitoring, in addition to strengthening our core metrics and alerting product. The company has seen lots of growth in the past 4 years. Growing from just under 30 employees to +800 now. As well as building a large customer base (+8,000).

The types of things new grads can work on include:

– scaling a real time processing pipeline (millions of points per second)
– building new features both on the frontend and backend
– writing new integrations to collect more metrics and events from our customer’s infrastructure.
– writing new services in python/go to process and serve data for our application
– working with Kubernetes to deploy our applications.

If students have questions or would apply, they can send their resume to isaac@datadoghq.com.

PS: One thing to add, we have 4 Middlebury students at the company. 3 in engineering.

Cyber associate program at Stroz Friedberg (received from an Alum)

I hope this year is going well! Work here at Stroz has been good, and we were very happy to add another Middlebury graduate, Margot Graham, this August as a Cyber Associate. We have started accepting applications for 2019’s Cyber Associate program, and I wanted to encourage more Middlebury students to apply. I’ve attached some recruiting info and will outline the application schedule below. If the position cannot be found on whatever recruiting service Middlebury uses now, an overview of the CA program, as well as the job description, can be found on our Careers page.

If anyone is interested in applying, Margot and I would love to talk about our experience here or the application process! Just send us an email at eitheramarkun@strozfriedberg.com or mgraham@strozfriedberg.com.

Application Timeline:

September/October: Review resumes and first round video interviews

Deadline to apply: Monday October 15th at 9:00 AM EST

November: Final round interviews in NYC/offers extended

August 2019: CA Program begins

Looking forward to hearing back!


Adam Markun

AMarkun@StrozFriedberg.com | www.strozfriedberg.com

Vermont Tech Jam

Are you familiar with the Vermont Tech Jam? It’s a career and tech expo that celebrates Vermont’s vibrant tech scene. Hundreds of tech professionals, students, teachers, job seekers and community members attend to meet many of the state’s fastest-growing and most innovative companies. Here’s a link of the exhibitors so far. This year’s event will be on Friday, October 19 from 10-6 p.m. at the Champlain Valley Expo in Essex Junction. Admission and parking are free.

I’m hoping you could share this event with your students and let them know it would be a great opportunity to network with local businesses, find an internship or job and learn something new at one of the panel discussions. Thanks for helping spread the word!

Full time and summer opportunities at Wove (received from an Alum)

From: Armaan Sarkar <armaan@wove.com>
Subject: Looking for Middlebury computer scientists!

I hope the new semester is going well!

I recently took over leading the engineering team at Wove and my mission right now is to get more people from Middlebury on the team 🙂 Any chance you can forward this to current juniors and seniors (we’re hiring for both full-time and internship positions)? I would love nothing more than to interview every major in the department.

We have more details on the full-time position here and the internship here but in general we’re looking for people:
Who want to be exposed to hard technical problems
Are interested in working at a startup (customer/product focussed, interested in working on a lot of different technologies, want to me exposed to more than just engineering puzzles, etc)
I’m keeping an eye out for Middlebury applicants but if people want to reach out to me directly, I’ll make sure they don’t get lost in the process.


– Armaan

PS – We’re open to taking on a couple of winter/J-term interns (though they really should just be skiing in Middlebury then)

Summer internships at a Rigetti Quantum Computing

Rigetti Computing, a reputable quantum computing start-up, currently is accepting applications for undergraduate summer internships: https://www.rigetti.com/careers (the “Junior” positions).

BostonHacks Hackathon

We’re going to BostonHacks! WiCS++ and Middle Endian are collaborating to send students to a hackathon at Boston University. Registration deadline is October 15th so sign up fast if you want to attend (register using this link)! We are also looking for potential drivers (with cars) to help us out with transportation. Gas will be reimbursed so please let us know if you are available and willing to drive! If you have any questions, please reach out to wics@middlebury.edu or middleendian@middlebury.edu. Thank you!

Cadent Consulting

Are you interested in a career driven by innovation and professional excellence? Do you want the ability to contribute immediately in a collaborative team environment and receive world-class training from highly experienced industry leaders?

If the answer is yes, then look no further.

Cadent Consulting Group is a sales and marketing consulting company, located in Wilton, Connecticut. Focused on strategic yet practical solutions, Cadent Consulting Group delivers cutting edge insights and strategy to a variety of Consumer Goods and Private Equity companies. CCG is looking for current seniors graduating in 2018/2019 to fill a full-time Business Analyst position. The position encompasses working closely with experienced consultants, drawing insights from big data and market research, and fluidly presenting findings to provide strategic solutions for our clients.

We are seeking an exceptionally talented self-starter with an entrepreneurial spirit and creative edge that will fill the Business Analyst role at our firm. We will be hosting on-campus interviews Tuesday, October 9th and will receive applications on Handshake through Tuesday, October 2nd.

Please feel free to reach out to Olivia Zabrodsky at olivia.zabrodsky@cadentcg.com with any additional questions.

Code 2040 Summer fellowship/internship program for Black and Latinx students

From Emilio Ovalles-Misterman:

I’m not personally a member of Code 2040 and missed the boat applying for them last year, but I went to some of their events in the Bay over the summer and got a glimpse of what a great organization this is. Briefly put, this organization helps Black and Latinx students that will be returning to school in the fall of 2019 to meet a bunch of other POCs also interning within the tech industry, and also help students in finding internships at top tech companies and jobs later on. I’ve pasted the link to apply below — I don’t know who is interested in CS or majoring in lower classes that are students of color, so I’m hoping you can help me get the word out!


September 2018

Paid research position in Midd Psychology lab

Dear CSCI majors,

I am seeking a student to do some programming work for my Psychology research lab. This would be a paid position, and I already have funding from the College approved for this position. The current hourly rate, as determined by the College is $10.82. I am seeking a student who is able to put in 4-6 hours/week until the projects are completed.

There are two projects I am seeking help with. The main project would be developing my lab’s ability to collect data online via Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT), using a platform known as PsiTurk. I have a paper that students can start out reading that describes PsiTurk, and the student would be tasked with learning out how to create experiments for the lab that can be run on AMT using PsiTurk’s environment. This portion of the project requires knowledge of Python, JavaScript, HTML and CSS, as well as setting up a database in SQL, so it would be best if a prospective research assistant at least had some knowledge of them or is willing to learn them. The second project involves searching a database of stimuli to find sets with particular characteristics for experiments (online and conducted in my lab here in MBH). Ideally, the same student would work on both projects.

Interested students can contact me at jarndt@middlebury.edu, ideally with a summary of your experience with the languages/platforms outlined above. Further, if there’s anything else you would like to know to determine your interest in this position, please feel free to ask!

Jason Arndt, Ph.D.

Full-time SW engineer and quantitative analysis positions at EverQuote

Everquote is looking for new hires from the class of 2019! There is a quantitative analyst role that I think someone studying computer science would be good at and also a more traditional software engineering position (that I am currently in). Check out the opportunities at http://app.jobvite.com/m?3q4n5kwL.

For more information about EverQuote you can contact Kevin Serrao ’18 (kserrao@everquote.com)

Fellowship opportunities in NY Yankees Baseball Operations

By way of introduction, my name is Theo Feder and I am a Quantitative Analyst with the New York Yankees.

I am writing to request your assistance in finding talented recent and upcoming graduates for a couple of positions within the Baseball Operations department of the New York Yankees. These roles, which are akin to fellowships, last 12 months and are intended to prepare recent graduates for a career in Baseball Operations. Your familiarity with the top students in your department will be of tremendous help in this effort.

Here are the specifics on the roles we are looking to fill for the coming year:

§ Associate, Quantitative Analysis: This position will give students hands-on experience with quantitative projects related to player evaluation, player development, and/or in-game strategy. For this role, we are looking for students with strong quantitative reasoning, familiarity with statistical programming, and a passion for baseball.

§ Associate, Baseball Operations: This position will give students hands-on experience with various important baseball operations tasks, including advance scouting, data collection and entry, and video charting. For this role, we are looking for candidates who are highly detail-oriented and have solid working knowledge of current baseball players, rules, and strategies.

We often get questions about which position students should apply to. The main difference between the roles is that the Quantitative Analysis position is almost solely dedicated to statistical analysis to inform baseball operations decisions. The Baseball Operations position involves less of the quantitative side (although statistical projects will come up) and deals more with assisting the advance scouting process, charting games from video, and general baseball operations administration.

A few important logistical details:

§ Given that this is a 12-month role, we are only looking for students who graduate in or before Summer 2019.

§ Applications are rolling and we get a large volume of applications, so we encourage students to apply as soon as possible.

§ We only take applications via the links above. We will not review resumes or take applications anywhere else.

If possible, could you please forward this information to any students or recent alumni who would potentially be qualified and interested? If they have any specific questions, they can feel free to reach out to me directly (tfeder@yankees.com).

Theo Feder

Analysis Group Info Session

I graduated Middlebury in 2017 and have been working at Analysis Group for the past year. While at Middlebury I took a handful of computer science classes, which have been very helpful for my job this year. As we kick off our 2018-2019 recruiting season, we would love to ensure that as many computer science majors and minors know about our open position as possible.

Below is an invitation and attached is a flyer for our on-campus events coming up in September, the first of which is our information session Monday, September 24th from 6-7pm in Hillcrest 103. For students who are interested in learning more about who we are and what we do, these events will be great opportunities to do so. Students interested in the internship are also welcome to attend, though the internship application deadline is not until the winter.

If you could please forward this information to any students you think might be interested in AG and would want to know more about the application process, we would greatly appreciate it!

All the Best,
Alden Cowap


Primary and secondary school teaching (Carney, Sandoe & Associates) information session

I hope your school year is off to a great start. I’m writing to see if you know any current seniors in your classes who may be interested in teaching next year with the hope that you’ll pass this message onto them.

Our firm, Carney, Sandoe & Associates, is hosting an on-campus information session at Middlebury on September 27th from 6-7pm in Hillcrest Room 103, and then conducting informational interviews during the day on September 28th. CS&A is an educational recruitment firm that places teachers and administrators in K-12 private, independent, and charter schools across the nation and internationally. These schools are exciting, vibrant communities that provide recent college graduates an excellent opportunity to work in a setting that is collaborative, unique, and involved. CS&A’s services are completely free for all job-seeking candidates.

Every year CS&A helps match candidates with thousands of teaching positions in all primary and secondary school subjects. Teacher certification is not required; we are looking for students with an undergraduate or graduate degree in the subject they would like to teach (i.e. English, History, Math, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Spanish, etc.).

If students would like to apply for an interview, they can do so via Handshake. They can also learn more about CS&A on our website.

Thank you for your time and assistance. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Keck Northeast Astronomy Consortium’s 2018 student research symposium

Since I know that several of you have either an interest in astronomy or a
background in astronomy, I would like to invite you to the Keck Northeast
Astronomy Consortium’s 2018 student research symposium that will be held
here at Middlebury this fall. The symposium is scheduled for
Friday/Saturday, September 28/29.

As most of you probably already know, KNAC comprises the astronomy faculty
and students of eight small liberal arts colleges in the northeast and, in
addition to promoting student astronomy research and fostering faculty
interaction, KNAC sponsors a summer REU program distributed across its
campuses (both for students from the KNAC institutions as well as students
from other institutions that may not have such research opportunities at
their home institutions). Each fall, both REU and other research students
from KNAC institutions gather to present their summer research. We are
fortunate to have four Middlebury students presenting this year!

We invite you to attend the presentation sessions which will be all day on
Saturday, September 29, here in McCardell Bicentennial Hall.

Here is the symposium web site: http://sites.middlebury.edu/knac2018symp/.

Blockchain Club

The mission of the Middlebury Blockchain Club is to provide an outlet for discussion of multidisciplinary blockchain-related topics, including, but not limited to, cryptocurrencies,
environmental science, social entrepreneurship, and free speech. The club will host blockchain technology workshops, blockchain-oriented speaker series and discussions, and run networking and professional development events. Ultimately, we are creating the
first liberal arts blockchain club, demonstrating the unique value proposition of the intersection of liberal arts education and technology.

Pedro Miranda (pmiranda@middlebury.edu)

Duke neurobiology graduate program

I am contacting you in order to identify talented students in your program who have an interest in pursuing a PhD in Neurobiology. The Duke Neurobiology Graduate Training Program is currently beginning its recruitment and is seeking students with training in math, physics, computer science, engineering, as well as biological disciplines. The deadline for applications is December 1, 2018 and information about the program can be found onlinewww.neuro.duke.edu.

Student Research Assistant Position (Academic Year 2018-19) with Prof Herb

I have an opening for a student research assistant in the coming academic year (about 3 hours/week, at an hourly rate of $10.82). My project is a map-based website on indigenous nations along the US-Canada border (www.border-rites.org). The website uses WordPress and ArcGIS online. Please submit (1) a one-paragraph statement that explains your interest in the position and your skill set and (2) a one-page CV/Resume to: herb@middlebury.edu
Preference will be given to candidates with strong experience in WordPress and excellent design skills.

Guntram H. Herb, Ph.D.

Champlain Mini Maker Faire

Once a year, Vermont’s Maker community gathers to exchange ideas. We launch rockets, fly drones, build and operate robots, create music, play with fire, modify electronics, and more.
Come see what we’ve made, and build something yourself.

New this year, an evening “Makers in the Dark” program from 6:00 – 9:30 will include Illuminated Woods, Burning Man fire demonstration, live music, food and drink vendors.

Free admission for Volunteers and Makers.

Internships and FT opportunities in IP Law at Wolf Greenfield

I am writing to introduce myself and my law firm, and to let you know of a program our firm has for computer science students, which I thought might be of interest to your students. I work at Wolf Greenfield, a Boston-based intellectual property law firm. We hire strong students with science and engineering degrees—I myself have degrees in physics and EE, and am an MIT alum, which I see you are as well—and pay to put them through law school while they work with us part time in patent law. When they graduate law school they are mid-level patent attorneys in our firm. The entire time they are doing meaningful work, interacting with inventors, companies, and universities on the cutting edge of innovation. We also have a (highly competitive) paid summer internship program for electrical engineering and computer science students, which has become a very popular path for junior and senior year students to explore the world of IP law. We have a particular need for well-rounded CS students, which prompted me to reach out to you. Many of our clients are innovating in the CS space, and as I’m sure you know that trend seems to be only increasing.

I hope this information is helpful. I would be happy to briefly speak with you or any of your students about this program if you are interested, and would appreciate anything you might do to spread the word for us about these exciting programs.

Best regards,

Tommy Franklin


Paid internship at the Hannaford Career Center

I’m writing in the hope that you might be especially likely to interact with students who would be interested in a part-time, paid internship at the Patricia A. Hannaford Career Center for the upcoming academic year. This position offers the opportunity for students to gain both teaching and technical experience in one of the center’s programs. A full description is at this link: https://middlebury.joinhandshake.com/jobs/1752201/share_preview and please don’t hesitate to pass this information on to others for whom it might be of interest, or to be in touch with any questions.