Unite For Sight’s Founder and CEO will hold a 1/2-day dynamic, immersive global health workshop. Currently, 4 billion people in the world own cell phones, including those in villages where healthcare is non-existent. What enables the delivery and distribution of goods at the “base of the pyramid,” and what hinders healthcare delivery? What strategies can be applied to provide healthcare for the world’s poorest people? This workshop is aimed at future leaders in global health who will gain skills and knowledge about global health delivery. The workshop will be a small, intimate forum with a limited capacity of no more than 10 participants.
- Who: Students and professionals are eligible to apply. Successful applicants will have demonstrated an interest in global health.
- When: Friday, December 4, 1-5pm
- Where: Unite For Sight headquarters in downtown New Haven (across the street from Yale’s Whitney Humanities Center)
Complete details and application instructions online at http://www.uniteforsight.org/global-health-university/global-health-workshop