The PeaceCorps website has a fresh new look. Check it out!

Screen Shot 2016-06-03 at 5.06.22 PMThe story of Peace Corps is best told by Volunteers themselves. Digital platforms allow for immersive storytelling that provides a window into communities where Volunteers serve. Data-driven market research informed a new brand platform, built to fit the Peace Corps’ unique mission, tone, and personality.

This new brand platform includes a visual identity with a bright, modern look and feel—a vital update to a historic brand. The agency has designated its longtime logo as its official seal and rolled out a new version of the logo, refreshed for digital communications., the agency’s website, received a complete overhaul to put the user experience first and focus on responsive, mobile-friendly design, so Americans interested in international service can find them wherever they are. Visit the new site:

What is the new Peace Corps?

Driven by their historic mission to build relationships across borders, the Peace Corps is launching a new brand platform to put the Volunteer experience at the forefront. Through immersive storytelling and digitally focused communications, Americans from all walks of life will have the chance to see themselves as Peace Corps Volunteers.

Where can You learn about Peace Corps service?

The Peace Corps lives where you live. Find them on Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or any of our other social platforms. Visit the completely overhauled to begin a journey, and hear directly from current and returned Volunteers who share questions, concerns, and experiences. The new website is mobile-friendly, utilizes modern design principles, and provides the most relevant information to the right user at the right time.

What is the Peace Corps logo?

The Peace Corps traces its logo history to the mid-1970s. The iconic image created by graphic designer David Battle will live on as the agency’s official seal. To adapt to a digitally focused communications environment, the Peace Corps pulled key elements from the pre- existing logo, including the image of the dove, the American flag, and the U.S. colors, into
a clean, simple design that represents an agency rooted in its historic mission, but always flying toward the future.

Consider being a Volunteer by contacting our Peace Corps representative, Zoe Armstrong: zarmstrong[at]

Read more

Interested in Gaining Real Social Impact Consulting Experience Right Here on Campus?

Screen Shot 2016-04-27 at 2.22.00 PMHave you been interested in gaining real-world consulting experience on-campus? 180 Degrees Consulting is the largest student-led consulting firm in the world that operates at over 60+ universities in 29 countries. 180 Degrees Consulting Middlebury provides consulting services to non-profits and social enterprises to help them create a greater social impact. Members work as consultants on semester-long team projects with clients (at non-profits and socially conscious organizations around Vermont) to help them solve their business challenges and develop strategic recommendations. Each team will consist of about 5-6 consultants one of whom will serve as the Case Team Leader. Teams will work together to provide free consulting services to their client and will work with them from September 2016 through J-Term.

If you are interested in working on projects with next semester’s clients please complete an application at by midnight on April 28th for the deadline. Check out for more details and direct any questions to 180dc[at]

Ambassador Corps: Second Round of Applications Open Til 4/25

Are you ready to create impact?

It’s not too late. The Ambassador Corps program connects students to the front line of social impact with unique global internship opportunities. A select group of the top undergraduate university students from across the US are chosen to do an 8 to 10 week international summer internships.  The Ambassador Corps has opened a second round of applications to fill the high demand of international placements for summer 2016. Extended Deadline: Due April 25, 2016

The application deadline has been extended until April 25th. If you have any questions about the program, please call 831-647-3084 or email ambcorps[at]
Fast Fact: There are AC placements still available in Rwanda, South Africa, Peru, the Philippines, India, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mongolia, Jordan, Chile and more.
Submit Your Application today!

RAY Conservation Fellows Diversity Program: 1-Year Fellowship Working w/an ENGO

The Roger Arliner Young (RAY) Marine Conservation Diversity Fellowship was created as a long-term commitment to addressing racial diversity and inclusion inequities within the environmental sector in partnership with the Ocean Conservancy, Greenpeace, EDF, NRDC, Oceana, Rare and the Environmental Leadership Program as the organization staffing the RAY Marine Conservation Diversity Fellowship Program. Through participation in this partnership, each of the organizations seek to provide people of color with equitable career pathways into marine conservation. Read more

Intern This Summer with 350Vermont

Screen Shot 2016-02-26 at 1.06.20 PMAre you ready to learn valuable skills at an organization committed to climate action? Are you searching for an opportunity to learn and grow with a community of grassroots activists and organizers?

If so, consider an internship with 350Vermont!  Our mission is to unite a mass movement for bold solutions that both lift up Vermonters and cut down carbon.  An internship with 350Vermont is a great opportunity to gain experience in the nitty-gritty of grassroots organizing and be fully supported and mentored by experienced staff and/or organizer.

In each position, we are looking for someone with a commitment to and passion for the 350Vermont mission of building a local movement to stop the climate crisis.  We are looking for self-starters with the passion, creativity, and drive to make things happen while working independently and in close coordination with a team.  Interns for the summer of 2016 will focus on one of the projects below:

Operations Intern

We are seeking help with administrative work, outreach, data entry, and social media. Strong writing skills and attention to detail are a must, as are good communication and strong interpersonal and organizational skills. A background in social justice or climate organizing is desired, as well as the interest to learn more about this work.

Extreme Energy and Outreach Intern

We are looking for someone to support our base building efforts throughout the state and the region around extreme energy (local pipeline resistance, regional pipeline resistance, and regional resistance to oil trains). This intern would plan meetings and events to reach out to people who are interested in our work by attending events and managing social media outreach. Additional responsibilities may include working with our coalition of other organizations working to stop the pipeline and planning actions.

Mother Up!

350Vermont is engaging mothers in climate activism and creating family-inclusive opportunities to get more involved throughout the state. We are looking for an intern to support the community organizers to connect with mothers, to reach out to mothers and families, and to plan events.

If you are interested in applying or would like to learn more, please contact Brittany Dunn, brittany[at]

Looking for Summer Leaders w/ Apogee Adventures: Outdoor Adventure Company for Teens

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Apogee Adventures is looking for current sophomores, juniors and seniors (age 20 or older by June 2016) to lead overnight outdoor adventure & community service trips in New England, Canada, Montana, Oregon, California, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, and Europe this summer.  If you are enthusiastic, responsible, and love working with kids in the outdoors, come learn more! Our Information Session will be held on Tuesday, March 1st in Bi-Hall 219 at 7:00 PM. We will be conducting interviews the following day. For more information about our leaders, check out our website. Hope to see you there! Hannah Gensheimer, Assistant Director, Apogee Adventures Brunswick, Maine 04011 207.725.7025 APOGEEADVENTURES.COM

To apply, check out their internship listing in MOJO: Outdoor Adventure Trip Leader (81010014207).


Clinton Foundation Summer 2016 Internships – Deadline 2/28

Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 4.45.50 PMATTENTION: Deadline for Summer 2016 Clinton Foundation Internships – February 28, 2016

The Clinton Foundation is excited to receive applications for internships at the Clinton Foundation!

They divide their available internships into five functions:

  1. Programs and Initiatives (climate/environment, education, food systems, girls & women, health, leadership, market-based approaches, response & resilience)
  2. Communications (communications/marketing, correspondence, graphic design, multimedia, web development)
  3. Logistics (event production, fundraising, in-house operations, special ops)
  4. Technology (data management, graphic design, information technology, multimedia, web development)
  5. Clinton Presidential Center (communications, educational programs, volunteers & visitor services)

Within each function there are specific areas of interest and within each area of interest there are specific departments (see our available internships). The application requires that you (1) choose your areas of interest and (2) prioritize your departments of choice in your short essay. Please review the options and be prepared with your selections before beginning the application process.

There are also a few interesting entry-level jobs, but don’t trust me, check them out yourself!:

Internship Terms and Application Deadlines
  • Summer: ​​Deadline – February 28. Term – early June through late August.

See more at:

AmeriCorps Week Panel Luncheon: March 8 @ 12:30

Interested in serving diverse communities across the country in a variety of essential roles? Join Community Engagement and CCI during National AmeriCorps Week for an AmeriCorps Panel on Tuesday, March 8th from 12:30-1:20 pm @ the 118 South Main St. Conference Rm. Hear from several current and former AmeriCorps members about the ins and outs of AmeriCorps, including benefits and how to apply for the different types of AmeriCorps opportunities. Lunch provided!

Please RSVP by Friday, March 4, 2016 to Elle Bacon, ebacon[at]

Win Tomorrow¹s Environmental Battles with Green Corps ­ Thur, 01/28 from 6:00-7:00 pm

greencorps logoJoin Virginia Shannon ’11 for this engaging Info Session with Green Corps: Field School for Environmental Organizing and learn about their 1-year training program! The mission of Green Corps is to train organizers, provide field support for today’s critical environmental campaigns, and graduate activists who possess the skills, temperament, and commitment to fight and win tomorrow’s environmental battles.  It’s a one-year paid post-grad training program that includes classroom training, hands on experience running grassroots campaigns, and career placement following the program.

If you’d like to meet with Virginia for a 1-on-1 meeting/interview, please Apply for the position through this link on MOJO (it asks you to upload your resume and cover letter) and then you can pick a time that works best for you on Thursday, January 28th from 8:30a-4:15p.

We hope that you can come with your questions to engage her on what other Middlebury alums, who graduated from the Green Corps program, are doing today!


WHEN:       Thursday, January 28th
TIME:          6:00-7:00 pm
WHERE:    Hillcrest 103

Talk & Career Conversation w/Peter Seligmann P’17, CEO and Co-founder of Conservation International

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Location: MBH Rm. 220
When: Wednesday, February 3, 12:00p

Career Conversation sponsored by CCI will follow the talk at 1:15p

Peter A. Seligmann P’17 is the Chairman and CEO of Conservation International, a global nonprofit organization that he co-founded in 1987. Under Peter’s leadership, Conservation International has become a cutting edge leader in valuing and sustainably caring for nature for the well-being of people. Peter, a dynamic communicator and thought leader, has been an influential and inspiring voice in conservation for nearly 40 years. He works in partnership with governments, communities, and businesses to find solutions to ensure the sustainability of our natural resources.  Read full bio here.


2016 CSE Annual Symposium: On Leading a Life of Meaning and Purpose

ON LEADING A LIFE OF MEANING AND PURPOSE: Wednesday, January 27- Friday, January 29

Please join the Center for Entrepreneurship as it presents the fifth annual January Symposium: As Middlebury enters a new era for global liberal learning under President Laurie Patton, we and our partners thought that it was a good time, in this liberal arts setting, to help students to begin to reflect on their emerging lives and to share tools about moving forward in search of meaning and purpose. As summarized in this program, we have a wonderful array of colleagues lined up for this, from our inspiring Vision Award winners to many faculty, staff, and students. We welcome you here and look forward to your active participation.

Click here for full schedule of events and venues.

Keynote Lectures: Read more

Applications Due February 1st for New Sector’s Social Impact Fellowships!

New-Sector-Alliance-LogoPassionate about alleviating poverty, closing the achievement gap, engaging in environmental issues, working toward healthier futures, and more? Consider applying to a New Sector Fellowship, a paid intensive opportunity for emerging leaders and students who are committed to the social sector.

New Sector matches committed, interested, and skilled early-career leaders with a nonprofit organization in Boston, San Francisco, Chicago, or the Twin Cities to serve full-time completing projects that allow organizations to more effectively achieve their missions. Fellows join a peer-learning community where they participate in training, mentoring, and coaching to build skills needed for social sector careers. There are both summer and 11-month opportunities. Middlebury has several alums who have graduated from the New Sector Alliance fellowships.

Dates – February 1st is the next deadline for all Fellowship programs!
Summer Fellowship: June 6, 2016 – August 19, 2016 or June 13, 2016 – August 26, 2016
RISE Fellowships: September 6, 2016 to July 28, 2017

Learn more, connect with us, and apply at! If you have any specific questions, feel free to contact

Summer Workshop for Environmental Reporting June 5-10, 2016


Gain science knowledge and investigative reporting tools to report new environmental stories through hands-on workshop June 5 – 10, 2016

Metcalf Institute for Marine & Environmental Reporting is accepting applications for its 18th Annual Science Immersion Workshop for Journalists: Global Change in Coastal Ecosystems.  The workshop will be held, June 5 – 10, 2016, at the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography, one of the nation’s premier oceanographic research institutions and home to Metcalf Institute. Ten early- to mid-career journalists will be selected for the fellowship, which includes tuition, travel support, room and board, and career-changing professional training, thanks to the generosity of private donors and the Metcalf Institute endowment.

The workshop gives journalists opportunities to explore and understand the effects of human activities on coastal ecosystems. The 2016 Metcalf Fellows will:

Gain skills and confidence to translate scientific publications for public audiences;
Develop a greater familiarity with research methods and basic statistics;
Explore the development and use of sea level rise models for projecting impacts and responses;
Measure emerging aquatic contaminants, potentially harmful chemicals not currently monitored or regulated;
Conduct a fisheries survey aboard the URI research vessel;
Discuss the relationships between climate change and extreme weather;
Enjoy off-deadline interactions with scientists and cultivate contacts for future reporting.

Early to mid-career journalists from all media, and journalists who are new to reporting on science and environmental topics, are invited to apply. Applicants must demonstrate a strong interest in improving and expanding their coverage of environmental topics and a desire to gain a better understanding of scientific research methods through field and lab work. The fellowship includes room, board, tuition, and travel support paid after the program. U.S.-based journalists are eligible for up to US$500 in travel support and those working outside of the U.S. may receive a reimbursement of up to US$1,000 with written assurance that they will be able to pay the full costs of their travel and can obtain the appropriate visa.

Applications for the 2016 Annual Science Immersion Workshop for Journalists must be submitted online, postmarked, or emailed by February 5, 2016. Apply for the workshop here.

About Metcalf Institute

Metcalf Institute is a globally recognized leader in providing environmental science training for journalists. The Institute also offers communication workshops for scientists, science resources for journalists and free public lectures on environmental topics. Metcalf Institute was established at the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography in 1997 with funding from three media foundations: the Belo Corporation, the Providence Journal Charitable Foundation and the Philip L. Graham Fund, with additional support from the Telaka Foundation. Metcalf programming is underwritten by federal and foundation grants, as well as private donations managed by the University of Rhode Island Foundation.

Karen Southern
Director of Communications
Metcalf Institute
University of Rhode Island
Graduate School of Oceanography
218 South Ferry Road
Narragansett, RI 02882

401- 874-6486 fax
karen_southern[at] (Please note new email address)

The White House Internship: A Public Service Leadership Program – Summer 2016

The White House Internship Program provides a unique opportunity to gain valuable professional experience and build leadership skills. This hands-on program is designed to mentor and cultivate today’s young leaders, strengthen their understanding of the Executive Office and prepare them for future public service opportunities.  The White House Internship Program’s mission is to make the “People’s House” accessible to future leaders from around the nation.

The application for the Summer 2016 White House Internship Program is open.

To apply for the White House Internship Program, please see Apply Here. For application deadlines and program dates, please see Internship Timeline and FAQs. Below is a timeline that might be handy for identifying when application deadlines are due. For Summer 2016 internships, the deadline for applying is January 15, 2016. Don’t wait to the last minute, come into CCI for our QQ and have a PCA review your application and resume.

WHIP Timeline

For an exhaustive list of White House Offices and Departments where interns work, see HERE and for a list of FAQs about how to write the application, see HERE.

New Graduate Options in Energy Systems & Environmental Policy

From Carnegie Mellon University:

In your career, do you want to affect change by addressing questions like these:

  • How do we move from energy systems that are based on fossil-fuel to renewable systems?
  • In a world where demands for energy continue to increase, how can we provide cost-effective solutions that keep our environment healthy?
  • What combination of technologies and policies will be effective, efficient and economical?
  • Which incentives will encourage governments to enact policies that reduce emissions, utilize new and sustainable sources of energy and generate economic value?

If these are issues you want to address Read more

Apply for Amazing Global Health Jobs

USAID_Global Health

Less than two weeks remain to apply to 2016 Summer Internships (deadline is Monday, January 18, 2016, 5 pm EST) with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)! This premier Internship program advances the careers of emerging global health leaders, placing them alongside top experts and helping them take the next professional steps. Interns deliver high-quality technical support for international projects, and have special opportunities for career-building and networking. We encourage people from diverse backgrounds to apply. There are only a few steps to submit an application, and you do NOT need letters of recommendation. See our application checklist for details.

Most of the jobs currently listed are for post-bachelor’s, however, after reviewing all 26 listed I found one that a qualified Senior could apply for: Population & Reproductive Health Communications Intern (Search: INT-P5-027). Another cool service USAID offers, is doing an informational interview with someone in USAID who could review your resume, even if you haven’t applied for one of their internships yet. This is your chance to ask questions about how to prepare yourself for a successful global health career, what qualities health employers are looking for, and any other related issues. Check out how to set up an appointment HERE.

Internship Facts
Applications close: Monday, January 18, 2016, 5 pm EST
Pay: Based on level of education, and specified in the job descriptions
Duration: 12-weeks
Location: Washington, DC / Arlington, VA
Eligibility:  Positions are available at master’s, bachelor’s, and doctoral levels.  Internships are open to current students and recent graduates (within 12 months of master’s/PhD, or 24 months of BA/BS).
You must be a US Citizen or US Permanent Resident to apply.

Please address questions to ghfprecruitment[at]


Seniors: Work for an Outdoor Educational Semester Program @ High Mountain Institute

Screen shot 2015-12-02 at 9.16.33 AMHigh Mountain Institute – Info Session
Come join The High Mountain Institute TODAY, Wednesday, Dec. 2nd, 7-8:00 p.m. in MBH219. HMI is an outdoor-oriented educational non-profit located in Leadville, CO. HMI’s Apprentice Program offers college graduates the unique opportunity to explore teaching both wilderness education and traditional academics in Leadville, Colorado. As an instructor on multi-week backpacking expeditions and an assistant teacher in a high school classroom, you have the opportunity to positively impact your students while earning invaluable personal experience. You’ll mentor students as a cabin head on our residential campus, lead activities, and collaborate with your peers in a graduate level seminar on educational theories over the course of the semester.

The Ambassador Corps: Hands-On Prep for an International Career with Purpose ADK @4:30 on 12/1

Screen shot 2015-11-30 at 5.10.01 PMPlease join Annie Makela, Associate Director of Strategic Initiatives at the Center for Social Impact Learning at MIIS on Tuesday at 4:30PM in CCI’s Library in Adirondack House to learn more about developing hands-on experience doing social impact work abroad with Ambassador Corps.

More than an internship, the Ambassador Corps program offers an entry point for a meaningful international career. Students work with socially responsible organizations around the world and experience digital storytelling, mentorship, and a rewarding connection to an international community. Internship assignments focus on education, sports and development, social entrepreneurship, empowerment for women and girls, and environmental sustainability.
Want more information about Ambassador Corps? Check out our website ( for application details and profiles of the 2015 cohort!

WorldTeach Colombia: A Perfect Opportunity for December Graduates or Alumni

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Are you graduating in February or looking for an internship with meaning and substance? Check out the year of service teaching program with WorldTeach or their summer internship opportunities. If this is of interest to you, the WorldTeach Colombia program wants to inform you that the next group of volunteer teachers for their year-long program will be departing for Colombia in early January. Students can earn their TEFL certification over the course of their service and receive exclusive teacher training feedback while abroad. Volunteers will teach English to grades 5-12, college students or in adult education centers in urban settings like Cartegena in Colombia or more rural areas like Isla Baru on the Caribbean coast. Read more