About the Dean: Associate Professor Kent Glenzer was appointed dean of the Graduate School of International Policy and Management in January 2015. Glenzer serves as the academic leader overseeing the school’s degree programs in Business Administration (MBA), International Education Management, International Environmental Policy, International Policy and Development, Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies, and Public Administration (MPA), as well as a variety of related non-degree programs.
Expertise: I have extensive work and research experience in sub-Saharan Africa, having lived there for 13 years and focused on it as both an external and internal consultant to NGOs and public sector agencies for 10 more years. I have a strong background, both practically and academically, in civil society, social movements, and policy advocacy. I specialize in organizations, organizational development, organizational behavior and culture, institutional and organizational fields, and organizational evolution and learning processes. All my work and thinking centralizes on the power dynamics, inequalities, and identity politics that surround and constitute development processes, programs, policies, and strategies.
Lunch with MIIS Dean of the Graduate School of International Policy and Management
When: Wednesday, February 25
Where: 12:15 pm in Adirondack House at CCI
Bring your questions, lunch IS provided, and have a conversation about MBA, MPA and several other programs in sunny California!!