The PeaceCorps website has a fresh new look. Check it out!

Screen Shot 2016-06-03 at 5.06.22 PMThe story of Peace Corps is best told by Volunteers themselves. Digital platforms allow for immersive storytelling that provides a window into communities where Volunteers serve. Data-driven market research informed a new brand platform, built to fit the Peace Corps’ unique mission, tone, and personality.

This new brand platform includes a visual identity with a bright, modern look and feel—a vital update to a historic brand. The agency has designated its longtime logo as its official seal and rolled out a new version of the logo, refreshed for digital communications., the agency’s website, received a complete overhaul to put the user experience first and focus on responsive, mobile-friendly design, so Americans interested in international service can find them wherever they are. Visit the new site:

What is the new Peace Corps?

Driven by their historic mission to build relationships across borders, the Peace Corps is launching a new brand platform to put the Volunteer experience at the forefront. Through immersive storytelling and digitally focused communications, Americans from all walks of life will have the chance to see themselves as Peace Corps Volunteers.

Where can You learn about Peace Corps service?

The Peace Corps lives where you live. Find them on Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or any of our other social platforms. Visit the completely overhauled to begin a journey, and hear directly from current and returned Volunteers who share questions, concerns, and experiences. The new website is mobile-friendly, utilizes modern design principles, and provides the most relevant information to the right user at the right time.

What is the Peace Corps logo?

The Peace Corps traces its logo history to the mid-1970s. The iconic image created by graphic designer David Battle will live on as the agency’s official seal. To adapt to a digitally focused communications environment, the Peace Corps pulled key elements from the pre- existing logo, including the image of the dove, the American flag, and the U.S. colors, into
a clean, simple design that represents an agency rooted in its historic mission, but always flying toward the future.

Consider being a Volunteer by contacting our Peace Corps representative, Zoe Armstrong: zarmstrong[at]

Read more

Ambassador Corps: Second Round of Applications Open Til 4/25

Are you ready to create impact?

It’s not too late. The Ambassador Corps program connects students to the front line of social impact with unique global internship opportunities. A select group of the top undergraduate university students from across the US are chosen to do an 8 to 10 week international summer internships.  The Ambassador Corps has opened a second round of applications to fill the high demand of international placements for summer 2016. Extended Deadline: Due April 25, 2016

The application deadline has been extended until April 25th. If you have any questions about the program, please call 831-647-3084 or email ambcorps[at]
Fast Fact: There are AC placements still available in Rwanda, South Africa, Peru, the Philippines, India, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mongolia, Jordan, Chile and more.
Submit Your Application today!

The Ambassador Corps: Hands-On Prep for an International Career with Purpose ADK @4:30 on 12/1

Screen shot 2015-11-30 at 5.10.01 PMPlease join Annie Makela, Associate Director of Strategic Initiatives at the Center for Social Impact Learning at MIIS on Tuesday at 4:30PM in CCI’s Library in Adirondack House to learn more about developing hands-on experience doing social impact work abroad with Ambassador Corps.

More than an internship, the Ambassador Corps program offers an entry point for a meaningful international career. Students work with socially responsible organizations around the world and experience digital storytelling, mentorship, and a rewarding connection to an international community. Internship assignments focus on education, sports and development, social entrepreneurship, empowerment for women and girls, and environmental sustainability.
Want more information about Ambassador Corps? Check out our website ( for application details and profiles of the 2015 cohort!

WorldTeach Colombia: A Perfect Opportunity for December Graduates or Alumni

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Are you graduating in February or looking for an internship with meaning and substance? Check out the year of service teaching program with WorldTeach or their summer internship opportunities. If this is of interest to you, the WorldTeach Colombia program wants to inform you that the next group of volunteer teachers for their year-long program will be departing for Colombia in early January. Students can earn their TEFL certification over the course of their service and receive exclusive teacher training feedback while abroad. Volunteers will teach English to grades 5-12, college students or in adult education centers in urban settings like Cartegena in Colombia or more rural areas like Isla Baru on the Caribbean coast. Read more

Work to Alleviate Poverty Globally thru Research & Policy


The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) and partner organizations currently have dozens of job opportunities available globally with more positions likely to become available by summer 2016. J-PAL’s recruitment drive is an excellent opportunity to join us and our work to alleviate poverty. J-PAL is a network of over 100 affiliated professors around the world who use randomized evaluations to answer questions critical to poverty alleviation. Started at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, MA, J-PAL also has six regional offices in Africa (South Africa), Europe (France), Latin America and the Caribbean (Chile), North America (USA), South Asia (India), and Southeast Asia (Indonesia). J-PAL affiliated professors employ research staff through their primary university and through organizations like J-PAL, Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), IFMR Lead, Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD), Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA), and Crime Lab. Most positions posted during the recruitment drive require candidates to apply online via the J-PAL/IPA Common Application.

Job Opportunities

Most positions are based outside of the US, but some positions are available at J-PAL in Cambridge, MA, at IPA in New Haven, CT, or at affiliates’ home institutions. Positions are full-time and most require a commitment of at least one year. In addition to the specific positions that J-PAL is hiring for, we are looking to fill positions in two general job categories: Read more

Application Tips from the Peace Corps Recruiting Office: 11/16


Our Peace Corps recruiter, Zoe Armstrong, will be on campus, Monday, November 16, 6 P.M. in Hillcrest FEC, to present to those of you who are interested, especially those who want to make the January 1, 2016 application deadline (for programs departing late 2016). She provided us with some sample Peace Corps resumes that may help when thinking about how to “tell your story”.  The 6 sample resumes are for the six sectors of Peace Corps that will help guide interested applicants more specifically based on their sector skill areas. Peace Corps sectors are Agriculture, Community & Economic Development (Business), Education, Environment, Health, and Youth Development.

These are only meant as a guide. They are always interested in a snapshot of Peace Corps relevant work (and all work) over the past 10 years on a resume (no further back than senior year of high school). It is okay to have two pages as long as the pages are full. The Placement office looks at internships, paid work, volunteer work, club membership/leadership, service trips, community outreach/projects, cross-cultural competency, and any linguistic skills.

Don’t forget to come to the presentation where Zoe have help answer any application questions you may have or to just learn more about the process if you are not a senior.

Social Impact Consulting: Learn from Dalberg Global Development Advisors, 9/23 @ 12:30

Are you wondering about what all the buzz is on campus having to do with Consulting jobs? Well, we are bringing one of the leading social impact consulting firms to Davis Library 105b for a Dalberg Global Development Advisors webinar on Wednesday, September 23 at 12:30-1:30pm.They describe the info session as such: “This webinar is intended for undergraduate students (1st year thru seniors) interested in learning more about Dalberg and the field of development consulting. Dalberg is a strategic advisory firm that applies the principles and rigorous analytics of management consulting to the world’s most pressing issues. Attendees of the webinar will learn about our organization, our clients, and our areas of practice; they will learn about specific projects recently completed by consultants with the firm. Finally, they will be introduced to the full-time Analyst position (on MOJO) and the recruiting and interview process for it. The webinar will also allow for Q&A with current Analysts and more senior members of the firm.  Please RSVP for this event HERE on MOJO.

They do hold general informational webinars as advertised on their website ( The next one is actually on Thursday, Sept. 24 at 10:30AM. This is the next best option for those students who cannot attend the webinar this Wednesday.

Check them out here as well:




Concerned about food security and environmentalism? Consider applying to Yale University’s annual Food Systems Symposium!!

The 3rd Annual Yale Food Systems Symposium will be held this October 30-31 and the theme for this year’s conference is “New Alliances That Shape a Food Movement.” The keynote speaker will be Olivier De Schutter, former UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, and the keynote panel will include Robert Lustig, Dorceta Taylor, and Ricardo Salvador.

People in food movements around the world envision a future where the world’s food systems restore degraded ecosystems, mitigate and adapt to climate change, improve community health, and facilitate more equitable economic exchange. To realize this ambitious vision this world must encourage and support novel, collaborative, and holistic problem-solving approaches. This symposium want to bring a diverse group of people and approaches together at this Food Systems Symposium such as those in the public health community who seek to increase access to fresh vegetables in urban centers; land conservationists who wish to preserve farmland; legal scholars who identify avenues of policy change; and immigration reformers who advocate for farm workers.

This year’s conference seeks to foster new alliances that will encourage crosscutting conversations, innovative thinking, and actionable strategies. Eaters across the nation struggle to find wholesome food choices that nourish their bodies without endangering important environmental and social resources. A true coalition will bring expertise across disciplines to creatively solve the otherwise intractable problems of food security and access, social justice, public health, environmental stewardship, and safety. These alliances and the common goal of an improved food system will serve as the guiding focus for the 2015 Yale Food Systems Symposium.

Please consider submitting an abstract and find out more information following this link:

Looking to go to Costa Rica for study abroad? Dedicated to a career in education? Check out more information about the Cloud Forest School below!!

The Cloud Forest School (el Centro de Educación Creativa) is an independent school located on 106 acres of cloud forest land in storied Monteverde, Costa Rica. Home to some 200 Pre-School through 11th graders, their student body is made up of 95% local Costa Rican students, and 5% international students.Their goal is to graduate bilingual individuals with strong roots in environmentalism. Armed with the tools to take on today’s complex problems, their graduates will become tomorrow’s botanists, farmers, lawyers, veterinarians, biologists & environmental justice warriors!
The Cloud Forest School/Centro de Educación Creativa in Monteverde, Costa Rica offers internships/study abroad opportunities for education students looking to gain experience teaching in the classroom. They have hosted students from Vassar College, Swarthmore College, Cardinal Stritch University, National Louis University, and the Consortium for Overseas Student Teaching.

        Students receive college credit through New Mexico State University by attending Spanish language school for their first month here at CPI (Centro Panamericano de Idiomas).

         More information about the program: The program fee is $11,500 and includes the following: homestay (3 meals a day and laundry service), 5 day cultural/visa renewal trip to Nicaragua, round-trip airport transport, program coordination and logistical and emotional support. It does not include airfare, medical expenses or any additional expenses on food/entertainment. You can visit their website for more information:


Learn more about why you should consider Peace Corps and come out to an on-campus event next week with a Peace Corps Recruiter!!!

1. It’s easier than ever

In July Peace Corps announced historic changes to its application process. The online  form is doable in under an hour; you can help choose the country you’d like to volunteer in (there are still no guarantees) and what  you’d like to do there; and you’ll hear within a year about that acceptance.

2. Immersion in another culture

By spending two years in a foreign country — often living with host families — PCVs become immersed in ways unheard of when travelling as a tourist.  You’ll experience day-to-day living first hand, from the highs to the lows.

3. You’ll learn a new language (or become fluent in the one you’ve been studying)

Immersion naturally means volunteers speak that country’s language (that can mean drilling down to region-specific dialects). Yes, it’s a challenge, but once selected, PCVs undergo a two- to three-month training period during which they receive intensive language instruction from native speakers as well as technical details about their volunteering duties.


And much more here:

Not convinced yet??

Come out to an event next week with a PEACE CORPS RECRUITER on Tuesday, April 21st

Where: McCardell Bicentennial Hall, Room 219

Time: 7-8 p.m.



Are you interested in a law career for the public good? Do you care about human rights and non profit work in DC?

Copyright: Open Society Foundation





Check out the pdf attached for additional information: MARTINA POSTER-1

Interested in taking a course this summer? Attend an INFO SESSION TODAY about this amazing summer study class in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on international development !!



WHEN: TODAY @ 4:30 p.m.

Attached/below please find a poster with more information about the course and info session:

Ethiopia SUMR 1003




Check out the Devex website for career insights for aid and development professionals!! to give you a sampling of the types of articles on DevEx: Follow the link after the informational blurb below!

“Speaking a second, third or even more languages is a common skill in the international development sector. Living in different countries provides ample opportunity for learning a new language, and those interested in this line of work tend to also be the kind of people attracted to foreign language study.
English fluency has become a requirement for most international development positions, as it has solidified itself as the dominant international language. But what if you don’t speak a second or third language? Is it necessary to learn one if you want to pursue a career in global development? While the benefits of being multilingual in an international career may seem obvious, the decision to tackle a new language isn’t as clear.”
Here are six questions to ask yourself before attempting to learn a foreign language:
Make sure to check out other articles and JOB postings on Devex too!!


Do you believe in lasting social change through education and human connection? Apply now to this amazing volunteer opportunity with One Heart Source in Jamaica and South Africa!!

One Heart Source (OHS) is a non-profit organization designed to empower young people through education. They believe that your students, both graduate and undergraduate, will greatly benefit from the experience of working, living, and teaching abroad.

The final application deadline is approaching quickly for the  2015 Volunteer Programs. The Final Application Deadline is March 2oth. One Heart Source offers a variety of 2, 4, and 8-week programs in South Africa and Jamaica!

Apply here for  Volunteer Programs: 2015 Application

As an OHS Volunteer, you will:

Teach primary school students through a mentorship program focused on building strong Math and English foundations, while empowering students
 Lead after-school programs in non-traditional subjects like dance, debate, art, and sports
* Integrate yourself into and work closely with members of the local community to create positive social uplift
* Exchange ideas and culture with people from around the world
Work with a small, dynamic team of international university and graduate students
* Develop empathy, confidence, and leadership skills while pursuing social justice


They will be hosting live online information sessions on March 8, 11, 15, and 18!
Join  by
Registering Here!


Interested in an international career in human rights, social justice, and poverty alleviation? Come have a chat with the new MIIS Dean of the Graduate School of International Policy and Management!!
 About the Dean:  Associate Professor Kent Glenzer was appointed dean of the Graduate School of International Policy and Management in January 2015. Glenzer serves as the academic leader overseeing the school’s degree programs in Business Administration (MBA), International Education Management, International Environmental Policy, International Policy and Development, Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies, and Public Administration (MPA), as well as a variety of related non-degree programs.

Expertise: I have extensive work and research experience in sub-Saharan Africa, having lived there for 13 years and focused on it as both an external and internal consultant to NGOs and public sector agencies for 10 more years. I have a strong background, both practically and academically, in civil society, social movements, and policy advocacy. I specialize in organizations, organizational development, organizational behavior and culture, institutional and organizational fields, and organizational evolution and learning processes. All my work and thinking centralizes on the power dynamics, inequalities, and identity politics that surround and constitute development processes, programs, policies, and strategies.


Lunch with MIIS Dean of the Graduate School of International Policy and Management
When: Wednesday, February 25
Where: 12:15 pm in Adirondack House at CCI
Bring your questions, lunch IS provided, and have a conversation about MBA, MPA and several other programs in sunny California!!


Several Social Impact Job Opportunities with Echoing Green and its global connections! the founding in 1987 by the leadership and investment of the leading global growth equity firm, General Atlantic, Echoing Green has provided more than 600 promising social entrepreneurs working in sixty countries with $36 million in start-up funding, customized support services, and access to their global network of champions. These social innovators have gone on to launch, and now lead, some of today’s most important social enterprises throughout the world. Others have gone on to become leaders in a variety of sectors, having been profoundly shaped by their experiences launching social enterprises.

So what blind spots can you see and what gaps can YOU  fill at our Fellows’ organizations and at our like-minded peers across sectors different sectors around the world? Be bold in accepting what you know and what you believe, and look for a role that encourages you to bring your unique perspective to drive social innovation.

Follow the link provided to learn more about the SEVERAL POSITIONS available to you:

Interested in an international career? Come check out the Ambassador Corps Program! INFO SESSION TODAY in the CCI Adirondack House Library!   Ambassador Corps

A transformative, hands-on experience that sets the stage for a purposeful and international career.

The Ambassador Corps program offers an entry point for a meaningful career by way of internship opportunities with non-profit, micro-finance, governmental or private organizations. The Ambassador Corps is an intensive three-month summer internship that is specifically designed to provide Middlebury College, Institute and Schools Abroad students a unique frontlines work experience premier social entrepreneurship organizations in developing countries.

Ambassador Corps internship assignments focus on microfinance, sustainable agriculture, human trafficking, social justice, environmental conservation, eco-tourism, youth entrepreneurship, women’s empowerment, disaster relief/development, public health and disease eradication, sustainable education, community-based engineering projects, and business planning for social enterprises and NGOs.

Each summer, the “Ambassadors” complete an intensive one-week cross cultural training program before departing on 1-3 month internships in various regions around the world, including Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe.

Come find out more information TODAY:  Monday, January 26th at CCI Adirondack House Library at 1:00 p.m.

Check out this exciting opportunity to work in Chile with the English Open Doors Program!! English Open Doors Program is a fee-free, volunteer initiative which invites native and near-native speakers to volunteer-teach English in the Chilean public school classrooms. It is a part of the Ministry of Education in Chile and supported by the United Nations Development Program and their goal is to improve public education in Chile, and increase the level of opportunities available to students who can’t afford to pay for a privately funded education.

The English Open Doors Program has added a second volunteer service for the second semester in the Chilean Public school system! What does this mean for this year’s Middlebury graduates? For the first time, there are two program start dates in August! Students graduating in April, May, or June will have an increased chance to start their professional career with our fantastic opportunity!

To find out more information about the available 2015 volunteer services and their application deadlines please visit:

If you have any questions, or would like to further discuss our volunteer opportunities (via e-mail, skype, or even scheduling a video conference with interested persons), please do not hesitate to contact Stephanie Hairgrove at