Use your RESEARCH skills to help protect VT’s Natural Resources:
Apply for one of the ANR’s summer internships
Wetland Field Assistant
Forestry Spatial Database Analyst
Water Quality Planning Assistant
Wetland Field Assistant
Depending on time of year, will assist with fall invertebrate sample collection and sample processing; or assist with field identification and mapping of wetlands during the spring and summer.
Qualifications: Ability to follow a dichotomous key; basic understanding of wetland ecology and aquatic science; GIS and Access databases.
DEADLINE: April 30
Forestry Spatial Database Analyst
The Vermont County Foresters collect information on private lands management for two programs, Vermont’s Use Value Appraisal (Current Use) and the federal Forest Stewardship Program. A new system has been made available called “WinDET/Web/DET that allows integration of a database with digital maps. The challenge is to decide how to use this tool in the most effective way possible.
Qualifications: Basic proficiency with GIS, typing/data input skills, basic organization and communication skills. A Geology or GIS related major.
DEADLINE: April 30
Water Quality Planning Assistant
The intern will assist with coordinating three volunteer watershed associations. Duties involve recruiting volunteers; participating in volunteer training; providing supplies and ongoing program updates. He or she will serve as a resource person providing support to the volunteers in their monitoring role. The intern may research and compile existing water quality data from federal, state, and regional sources. The intern will also create and present public outreach programs on water quality issues.
Qualifications: Knowledge and understanding of the biologic and chemical basis of water quality. Awareness of sources of water quality contaminants and how to identify them. Good interpersonal and communication skills.
See MOJO for more details. Keyword: ‘Agency’