In preparation for our upcoming merge of the Middlebury and MIIS library catalogs, our vendor, Innovative Interfaces, Inc., will be adding a 2nd serials and acquisition unit to our Millennium installation. This addition requires a short period of downtime, which will occur on Tuesday, Feb. 27, 4AM-8AM. During this period, MIDCAT will be unavailable, including […]…Continue Reading Upcoming library catalog (MIDCAT) downtime
Tag: Post for MiddNotes
Blind Date With A Book 2018
Name: Katrina Spencer Hometown: Los Angeles Role at Middlebury: Literatures & Cultures Librarian Time at Middlebury: 1 year, 10 days Katrina, are you prepping a display… again? Yes, I have a problem. What’s it about? My problem or the display? Both. I have an obsessive streak that is manifesting itself in this way. The display […]…Continue Reading Blind Date With A Book 2018
DIY Valentine Event Tuesday February 13th
DIY Valentine-making is back! On Tuesday February 13th from 3-5pm, join us in Library 145 to make Valentines with inspiration from our collection of vintage postcards, poems from the Abernethy Collection of American Literature, and vintage topographic maps. Otter Creek Bakery cookies will be provided! New this year: dazzle your Valentine by making your card pop! Learn […]…Continue Reading DIY Valentine Event Tuesday February 13th
Celebrating Black History Month 2018
The Davis Family Library is celebrating Black History Month in February 2018 with a display of books, audio CDs, DVDs, podcast recommendations, multimedia-based interviews and programming. Come to the atrium to see what we have in store and get a sneak peek at go/bhmdigital/. Read below to find out about the variety of ways to engage. Katrina […]…Continue Reading Celebrating Black History Month 2018
Taste of The World 2018!
Quick Announcement: This week, January 22nd- 26th, the Student Government Association’s (SGA) Social Affairs Committee is hosting a cultural expo called “Taste of the World,” featuring foods from all over the globe. This week-long event includes explorations of world cuisine, calligraphy, dance workshops, a film screening of Fruitvale Station, an open-mic night interspersed with performances by […]…Continue Reading Taste of The World 2018!
On Very Short Introductions
Hey, there’s a new display up of Very Short Introductions to usher in the New Year. Come check it out, January 3rd- 26th! Katrina (Literatures & Cultures Librarian), what are these books? Every title featured on the table belongs to the Very Short Introductions series. They attempt to treat big themes in relatively few pages. […]…Continue Reading On Very Short Introductions
Meet Mobility Print — A New Service for Personally-Owned Computers
Happy New Year! ITS is pleased to announce a new printing method called Mobility Print which is now available through our Papercut printing service. Mobility Print enables you to install print queues on your personally-owned computer through a one-time process, then print directly from your applications using File/Print thereafter. Unlike with Web Print, you’ll be […]…Continue Reading Meet Mobility Print — A New Service for Personally-Owned Computers