Mac users… Are you having the best possible experience with Middfiles? It may be time to update how you connect to Middfiles, as well as create some useful shortcuts! First, check your connection. In the Finder, click on the Go menu, then click Connect to Server. You should use cifs:// and remove any “smb” middfiles […]…Continue Reading Macintosh – Middfiles – Mmmmm… News You Can Use
Tag: middfiles
New Course Hub / Middfiles integration
New for the Fall 2012 semester is integration between the “Classes Folders” on Middfiles and the Course Hub. When you put files in the HANDOUTS/ or SHARE/ folders of your class folder, a “Middfiles Class Folder” resource will automatically be … Continue reading →…Continue Reading New Course Hub / Middfiles integration
Use Dropbox? Consider middfiles instead
We advise our community to use Middfiles for all file storage needs. In fact, sensitive information should always be stored on Middfiles. Dropbox, one of the most popular cloud storage providers, has had several security flaws and breaches over the … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Use Dropbox? Consider middfiles instead
New Access to Software
Over the next few weeks I will be working on consolidating all of the software installers that are currently on the college servers into a new server folder structure. All software installers that we have in electronic version will be on middfiles\Software2 and then once the permissions are in place will rename the folder to […]…Continue Reading New Access to Software
Saving your data to MIDDFILES
The Technology Support Helpdesk would like to take this opportunity to again remind the campus user community to please save all personal and work related files to their MIDDFILES personal space (on a Windows computer this would be your U drive in File Explorer). We have had a rush of computers recently come into the […]…Continue Reading Saving your data to MIDDFILES