DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. We apologize for any inconvenience. What do medical schools look for in an applicant? What makes for a compelling personal statement? How do medical schools build a class? Join Aileen Panitz, admissions director of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College, for a presentation about […]…Continue Reading CANCELED: Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine Admissions Event
Tag: Allopathic Medicine
University of Michigan UM-SMART Summer Undergraduate Research Program
Application opens October 21, 2019 University of Michigan Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) 10-week PAID summer research opportunity on the medical campus of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Program Highlights: Students receive a stipend of $4,400 plus double occupancy dormitory housing and a meal allowance. The main scientific focus of the summer […]…Continue Reading University of Michigan UM-SMART Summer Undergraduate Research Program
Walking on Eggshells in Medical Schools
Is it possible to train doctors without hurting anyone’s feelings? “I trained to be a doctor in the bad old days — not the worst old days, but the bad old days. Humiliation was part of the deal, sometimes deliberately inflicted by certain grandstanding, sadistic attending physicians, sometimes more casually, because everyone could see that […]…Continue Reading Walking on Eggshells in Medical Schools
Midd Grads @ Med School
If you are in the process of applying to medical school (or thinking of applying in the future,) we have created a Google map of where Midd grads have matriculated to medical school over the last three years. The map will help you see where alumni are located. Simply click on the map pin and […]…Continue Reading Midd Grads @ Med School
Applying to Medical School: 2018 AMCAS Medical School Applications by the Numbers
Are you preparing to apply to medical school? With the 2020 AMCAS application cycle underway as of May 1, AAMC is sharing information about the qualifications and motivations of applicants who applied and enrolled during the 2018 AMCAS application……Continue Reading Applying to Medical School: 2018 AMCAS Medical School Applications by the Numbers
Pre-SOMA ShaDO Week April 8-12
UNE COM and their Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) chapter along with Pre-SOMA National are teaming up again to host ShaDO Week for prospective medical students. Are you curious about osteopathic medicine? Then sign up for ShaDO Week! They have a group of first year medical students hosting prospective medical students on April 9th, 10th, […]…Continue Reading Pre-SOMA ShaDO Week April 8-12
Finding Shadowing Opportunities
Shadowing is the act of following a professional as they do their typical work activities in a clinic or hospital setting. You might ask why this experience is so important? First, it may be the defining experience which tells you whether or not you want to be a physician. Shadowing gives you a very tangible […]…Continue Reading Finding Shadowing Opportunities