In collaboration with the libraries of Bryn Mawr, Haverford, Swarthmore Colleges and others, Middlebury College has trial access for one month to Yomiuri Shinbum, a.k.a. Yomiuri Shimbun (読売新聞), one of several major Japanese newspapers, from the inaugural issue in 1874 to the present, along with the English edition, the Daily Yomiuri (Sept. 1989- to the present).

All full text articles of Yomiuri Shinbun from 1874 to 1989 are available with the exception of some articles with copyright restrictions dating from 1986 to present.

Visit the Japanese edition of Yomiuri online, the Daily Yomiuri English edition and then see what Wikipedia has to say about Yomiuri.

To see all of our current trials and new resources, visit  go/trials.

Please send comments to Rebekah Irwin ( or to your LIS liaison.