NOMINATIONS ARE REQUESTED — The Women’s and Gender Studies Program is now accepting “Feminist of the Year” nominations for any person who has made outstanding contributions to improving the status of women and/or fostering gender equity in the Middlebury College community during the past year.

Please nominate one person per “category” — staff, faculty and student — or only in the category where you can comfortably make a choice. Please include a brief nomination paragraph (see below).

The winners will be announced at:

The Chellis House Picnic
Saturday, May 7, 2-4 p.m.

All are cordially invited.

Nominations must be received by 9 a.m. on Monday, May 2!

I’d like to nominate _________________ for student feminist of the year because:

I’d like to nominate __________________ for staff feminist of the year because:

I’d like to nominate __________________ for faculty feminist of the year because: