By Benjamin Allan-Rahill May 28, 2020

I was fortunate to attend a Montessori school through 7th grade. There, I learned to appreciate self-directed learning and begin to understand what interested me. I have since taught myself graphic design techniques, software development, and how to make a grilled cheese with an iron!

Whether your internship is canceled or you have more time on your hands, here are a few tips I have aggregated from my countless hours spent teaching myself.

1. Chat and ask questions

💬 Your network is an incredible resource. Use LinkedIn, email, and phone calls to connect with peers, alumni, or professionals that can answer your questions.

People want to see you succeed and are always excited to be part of the journey.

If you’re building your network or not sure where to start, reach out to your university’s career center.

💬 Search for professionals in your field. Email them. Connect with them and ask if you can chat. If you’re comfortable, ask them to introduce you to others.

💬 Ask illuminating questions like:

  • How is success measured in your job?
  • What skills helped you advance in your career?

💬 Seek constructive feedback:

  • What’s one way I can improve my resume?
  • Do you have any suggestions for future steps?

2. Read

📖 Tune into to the news.

📖 Follow subreddits.

  • I’ve been interested in Web Development lately and I found that I have learned a lot from professional’s posts on Reddit.

📖 Read to challenge your assumptions.

  • Don’t take anything for granted. Challenge and test your knowledge. It’s great practice.

📖 Subscribe to newsletters.

  • Morning Brew is just one good example for students interested in finance or business.