Do you want to start your own nonprofit, but you’re not sure where to begin? In this free, live online training, David Holmes of Candid Midwest, will walk you through the many legal, organizational, and logistical elements involved in starting a nonprofit. You’ll also be introduced to the new and improved Nonprofit Startup Assessment Tool (NPSAT).
Join the webinar on Wednesday, July 24, at 2 p.m. ET to assess your readiness to start your own nonprofit with the help of the NPSAT and plan your best next steps moving forward.
In the webinar, you’ll learn how to:
- Outline the steps required to start a nonprofit
- Assess the alternatives to starting a nonprofit
- Complete the nonprofit startup assessment tool to determine where you are in the startup process and identify the next steps you should take
- Access additional resources to help you in your journey
Register Now (Free to Attend)