It is not too early to start planning your summer internship! Learn strategies for finding or creating the best summer internship for you.  At this session, we will:

  • Give you examples of past internships from Midd students.
  • Discuss strategies for finding an internship or creating your own experience.
  • Help you navigate an internship search using Handshake.
  • Highlight other top resources to use in the search process.
  • Provide an overview of CCI’s GRANT FUNDING available for unpaid internships.
  • Discuss CCI-sponsored and cohort internships (paid or fully-funded).

Tuesday, November 6, 4:30-5:30 pm. Coltrane Lounge, Adirondack House. RSVP here.

Can’t make this session? We’ll hold a repeat session on Wednesday, Jan. 9. You can also come by Quick Questions to get started or make an appointment with a CCI advisor in your interest area.