Code for America’s annual National Day of Civic Hacking (NDoCH) this year is on Saturday, August 11th. NDoCH is a chance to collaborate, problem solve, and hack with other civic minded folks to show that government can work better with technology in the 21st Century. NDoCH events will be held around the country and if you are in VT, Code for BTV is hosting an event this year.
The theme this year is “housing.” Web developers, WordPress nerds and data gurus will pitch in to help Vermonters find affordable housing by fixing broken and outdated housing services websites during the National Day of Civic Hacking.
When: Saturday, Aug 11, 2018, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Where: SEABA, 404 Pine Street, Burlington, VT
How: Sign up via Meetup
Code for BTV is lining up some housing services related projects that need immediate help, as well as some projects that are longer-term! They will have some experts from the housing services field to present the project needs and then you will break into groups to address the issues.
For the National Day of Civic Hacking, they need:
- project management help
- visual designers and artists
- story tellers and marketers
- writers and editors
- WordPress nerds
- traditional web developers (HTML/JS/CSS)
- database gurus
- housing services knowledge beyond the experts we are bringing in
- people that care about their community
Winter is coming!
Let’s try to help as many people find a home as we can before it hits.