JACK KRAMER ’11 is Co-CEO, MarketSnacks and an MBA/MPP Candidate at the University of Michigan.  At Middlebury he majored in Economics and German.

Jack grew up in Vermont dreaming about going to Midd and playing football on Youngman Field. He did just that. In the classroom, Jack majored in both economics and German. He recommends to students – particularly economic majors – that you should hone in on a unique sector of finance or business that interests you most. For him it was German, and he credits luck that a German bank and his eventual employer, Commerzbank, came to recruit at Middlebury. He worked for 5-years as a relationship manager at the bank, helping German automotive clients expand in the US.

Jack also co-founded MarketSnacks, a daily email newsletter that he and his partner (his freshman year roommate) operate as a part-time endeavor. With his “side-hustle,” he sought to change financial news for his generation. The banker-turned-entrepreneur scaled his startup and took on partners like Fidelity and made appearances on CBS, Cheddar, and Nasdaq. Jack’s email newsletter has become the voice of and for millennials on Wall Street.

Being a student-athlete at Middlebury taught Jack how to handle a heavy workload through solid work ethic and being highly organized. His experiences catapulted him to the University of Michigan, where he’s pursuing a dual master’s degree in business and public policy. As industries become more and more tech-oriented, Jack believes public policy and regulation will become increasingly important to business. Thus, he’s gaining expertise in the intersection of business and government.