Jeff Sawyer is looking for student volunteers to interview alumni about their career roles for two MiddVantage series he is designing. Volunteers will record an alum about their current career role (what it is, what they do, and the future direction of that career role), what their own career path was from Middlebury to their current career role, and their advice for students interested in that type of a career field.  One of the series will consist of recorded interviews of alumni with various career fields involving data analytics and the other will focus on alumni with various career roles in technology (e.g., AI/Machine Learning, VR/AR, UX/UI, Gaming, NLP, Computer Vision, Quantum Computing, Cyber Security).

If you are interested in being an interviewer as part of one or both of these MiddVantage series, please email Jeff Sawyer to express your specific interests. For more about the MiddVantage program and examples of past recorded interviews in other career fields, check out the MiddVantage series on the CCI Events and Programs tab.