The Privilege & Poverty Academic Cluster offers summer internship opportunities locally in Addison County and nationally.

You can make a difference, while working in law, immigration, health, food and nutrition, housing and more!

Read more below or click HERE to apply on Handshake.

Local summer internships are available at the following organizations:

  • WomenSafe – Interns provide support and direct services to individuals impacted by family violence
  • John Graham Housing and Services – Interns support individuals and families working toward stable housing 
  • HOPE (Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects) – Interns support the food shelf and assist clients with accessing the network of human services in the county
  • Open Door Clinic – Interns provide medical translation for Spanish-speaking clients and their health-care providers
  • Charter House Coalition – Interns work with emergency housing shelter staff to provide safe housing and food to community members who are unhoused
  • Addison Central Teens – Interns help to plan and deliver summer programming for the teen center camps and daily programs
  • Addison County Restorative Justice Services – This placement will work with ACRJS and community organizations to coordinate community responses beyond law enforcement. 
  • Addison County Public Defender/ ACRJS – This position will split time between the Public Defender’s office and ACRJS, working with clients who are encountering the criminal justice system. For the Public Defender, the intern will work with the client and attorney to help prepare their case for the court process. With ACRJS, the intern will work with clients through the restorative justice process. 
  • P&P research and analysis – working with P&P faculty and staff to support current, community-connected research and analysis on economic inequality.

National Internships

National internships are coordinated through our participation in the Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty summer internship program, and are located in urban and rural settings throughout the United States with agencies that serve in educational, healthcare, immigration, legal, housing, social and economic capacities for the needs of individuals and their communities.