Seeking a full-time job? Studying Biology? Love the ocean? Consider working for Saltwater Inc.
Saltwater Inc. is a small, women-owned business based in Alaska that collects data on fisheries and oceans. Among other things, we hire college graduates with degrees in Biology to collect data on-board commercial fishing vessels.
It is one of the first companies certified to provide observers when U.S. fishery observer programs were first established. Over the years our commitment to our mission – and our people – have enabled us to attract and retain top talent.
Today Saltwater is a recognized industry leader in the design and implementation of both fishery and marine mammal observer programs – and an innovator in the use of new technologies and electronic monitoring for data collection. We serve hundreds of clients including public agencies, non-profit research organizations, and fishermen.
Contact Kathryn Carovano ’82 at with any questions!