Here are the steps to follow if you want to participate in a Winter Term internship AND receive credit for it. (Please note: Sophomores through Super Seniors who have been enrolled for Fall ’20 are eligible to earn Winter Term credit through an internship.)
STEP 1: Have your resume approved by a CCI Peer Career Advisor (PCA). No appointment necessary. See go/PCAs for days/times. Please note you must visit a PCA before Dec. 2 if your resume has not been previously approved; PCAs will be on break the week of Thanksgiving.
STEP 2: Secure your internship. See go/findinternships for tips or make an appointment with a CCI advisor or visit a PCA for help.
STEP 3: Find a Middlebury faculty member to serve as your academic sponsor. See FAQ at go/WTinternships for more info on academic sponsors. Because we are approaching the Dec. 2 deadline, students should work on this step even before they secure their internship.
STEP 4: Write your personal statement for your application for credit including 3 scholarly sources (see FAQ at go/WTinternships).
STEP 5: Download the Internship Agreement Form, read it, and initial all sections.
STEP 6: Create an Experience in Handshake – this is your application for credit. (Find it at go/Handshake>Career Center>Experiences>Create an Experience.) Select Winter Term Application for Credit/Funding and Winter Term 2021 and answer all questions marked with an asterisk. Immediately after submitting, attach your personal statement, your CCI-approved resume, and a signed Internship Agreement. Several funding grants are available for students on financial aid on a first-come, first-served basis (you will be asked questions about applying for funding as you complete the Funding application).
Internship credit is approved on a rolling basis up until December 2. Apply now!
Information, FAQs, Timeline & Checklist here!
Extensions of a day or two (but not more) may be allowed in rare circumstances out of your control (e.g. waiting for a firm internship offer, waiting for answer from faculty academic sponsor) only for students who contact Cheryl Whitney Lower or another CCI advisor before the December 2 deadline. Plan ahead!