If you missed Tuesday’s Town Hall with SLG and Staff Council focusing on budget and finances the recording is available for viewing at https://middlebury.zoom.us/rec/share/-81PfrzZymFJY430uHHvY4sNLpy4aaa81ikXqPsPnkcCrpSfcmofyhv3qBNkfNb. As the meeting contained sensitive financial information, the link is restricted to Middlebury.
If you missed Wednesday’s Town Hall with SLG and Staff Council focusing on return to work protocols and fall scenarios, the recording is available for viewing at https://middlebury.zoom.us/rec/share/ou9eEr2rzzxOT4HW7nDfHZ8wNd7kX6a8gSNKq6UExErCL6oAXGkogphsGBYEcbPZ. As the with the Tuesday’s meeting, the link is restricted to Middlebury.
Many questions were asked by staff, and we ran out of time to get to all of them. The questions, as well as the questions that were answered within the Q&A box can be downloaded here (PDF).
This weeks Town Hall will host President Laurie Patton, EVP of Finance David Provost, VP for Human Resources Karen Miller, Provost Jeff Cason, Dean of the Institute Jeff Dayton-Johnson, Dr. Mark Peluso, Asst. VP of HR for Central Administration Laura Carotenuto, and Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator Jen Kazmierczak. Questions can be forwarded in advance to Staff Council . Please watch your email for a Zoom meeting link.